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EXPO 2018                                                DCU Center, Worcester

                 September 21st, 2018 marked the 20th annual MHEC product
                 EXPO.  This event would not be possible without the assistance from our volunteers,
                 members and suppliers. Thank you for making this EXPO our most successful event
                 to date with more than 400 attendees and 180 exhibitors.

                 “MHEC has come a long way from those early days but our mission remains the same; create sup-
                 ply chain efficiency to drive cost savings. It is important to recognize that in order to produce con-
                 tracts that support our mission of cost savings and superior customer service, we must have sup-
                 ply partners that believe in MHEC’s mission as much as we do.

                 We have many dedicated contract holders. Today we would like to recognize five supply partners
                 that have participated in each of MHEC’s 20 product EXPO’s. Please join us in thanking Bourdons
                 Institutional Sales, Fisher Scientific, University Cap & Gown-Balfour, Sitterly Moving & Storage and
                 Whalley Computer Associates for their dedication to our organization.”

                 - Michael Di Yeso, EXPO 2018

          A        Outstanding Partner                 C              Toys                        Represented

                   School Health Corp.
         W         This supply partner who has        H             109                 S             44
                   shown exemplary dedication in
                   promoting the MHEC                  A                                             Repeat
          A        Member Outreach                    R              Books               T          Exhibitors

         R         DYNTEK Services                      I               7               A           First Time
                   Most participation in MHEC mar-
                   keting programs
         D         Customer Service                               Cash + Check           T            31

                   Connection & Ricoh USA              T           $395                 S
          S        Voted by members as the supply      Y                                            Exhibitors
                   partner with the best customer
                   service record                              Thank you to all who                  182
                                                               donated to this great
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