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8.3                 Grammar             I can ask and answer questions.

         Doctor Q                                     Mrs Q’s visit

            1                                        2

                           Dr Q:   What time will you be here?
                                 What do you think? … 12.30?
                                 OK, see you soon!
                                                                            Pi:    Is someone going to visit us?
                                                                            Dr Q:   Yes, Mother called and I invited her
          The next day …
                           3                                                      to stay with us for a few days. She
                                                                                  needs some rest.


                                                                            Mrs Q:   I’m not tired at all. Where are we
         Mrs Q:   Cornelius, darling! Come and kiss me! Rob! Millie!               going for lunch?
                No, I don’t want to shake hands! Come and give              Dr Q:   To Giorgio’s. It’s only ten minutes
                me a hug! You too, Pi!                                             by car.
         Dr Q:    Are you tired, Mother? You had a long journey.            Mrs Q:  Nonsense! Let’s walk!

          In the evening …                                        A few days later …

            5                                                     6

                                                                                         Millie:    You look tired. What
                                                                                                time did you go to
                                                                                         Dr Q:    At 1.30. Mother
                                                                                                woke me up at 5.30.
                                                                                                We went for an early
                                                                                                morning run!
                                                                                         Millie:    When is Mrs Q going
                                                                                                back to her house?
         Mrs Q:  What are you doing, Cornelius?                                          Dr Q:    I don’t know. Why
         Dr Q:   We’re working, Mum.                                                            are you asking?
         Mrs Q:  How often do you exercise?                                              Millie:    Because you need
         Dr Q:   Well, I …                                                                      some rest!
         Mrs Q:  Come on! Let’s play table tennis!

         1  Look at the cartoon. When did Mrs Q       3  Read again. Complete the sentences.
           arrive? What date is it in picture 6?
                                                        1  Doctor Q’s  mother  is coming to visit him tomorrow.
                                                        2  Mrs Q is not  tired      after her journey.
         2      3.49 Listen and read. Who’s more        3  Doctor Q and Mrs Q are going out to have   lunch
           active: Doctor Q or Mrs Q?                                                                             .
                                                        4   Mrs Q doesn’t want to go to the restaurant by    car    .
                                                        5   Doctor Q went for a run at             in the morning.
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