Page 103 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 103
                    I can understand a text about good manners.  Reading                           8.5

                                                         1  Read the problem page quickly. Circle the correct
         Debbie’s                                          1  Why is Derek complaining?
         teen problem                                      a  His friend talks too much.

          page                                             b  His friend always keeps him waiting.

                                                           2   What does Debbie say about Julie’s brother?
                                                           a  He will change when he’s older.
         Late – again!
                                                           b  He asks too many questions.
                     Dear Debbie,
                                                         2      3.56 Read and listen to the problem page.
                     Can you help me? It’s my              Answer the questions.
                     friend, Joe. I always arrive on
                     time, but he’s always late. Last      1  How long did Derek wait for Joe?
                     week I was waiting for him            2  Why was Joe late again?
           outside the cinema. This time he was half
                                                           3  What advice does Debbie give Derek?
           an hour late! ‘Where were you?’ I asked.
           ‘I was chatting to Freddie,’ he said. He        4   What does Julie’s brother do when she’s chatting
           didn’t even say sorry! I’m sure that in           to her friends?
           future he’ll be late again. Why do people       5   How often does he ask for permission when he
           think it’s OK to keep others waiting?             takes Julie’s things?
           Derek                                           6   Who can be annoying in Debbie’s opinion?

         Being late is a common problem and it’s
                                                         3      3.57 Listen and repeat. Then complete the
         not polite. It’s important to be on time.
                                                           sentences with one word in each gap.
         It shows you care about other people’s
         feelings. Speak to your friend and
         explain this to him. And next time you            Vocabulary  Good manners
         arrange to meet, say ‘Please don’t be
         late.’ Then wait and see what happens.            arrive on time  ask for permission  be polite
                                                           don’t be late  don’t interrupt  wait your turn

         Little brother, big problem
                                                             To all students!
                     Dear Debbie,
                     My little brother is five and            1       Be       polite to your classmates, teachers and
                                                               all other staff.
                     he’s terrible. When I’m                                                     .
                     chatting to my friends, he              2   Please arrive on
                     interrupts all the time. ‘When          3                    be late for class meetings.
           are we having dinner?’, ‘Where’s my               4     Wait your                 politely
           teddy?’ He takes my things and he never             in the school canteen. Don’t push!
           asks for permission. Oh, and he always            5     Listen to your classmates and don’t
                                                                                   them when they are speaking.
           wants to be first for everything. He never                                       before you borrow
           waits his turn. Mum says ‘He’s still young.       6     Ask for
           He’ll learn.’ But it’s really annoying.             books from the class library.

                                                         4      3.58 Listen to four conversations. In which
         Little brothers and sisters can be annoying,
         but your mum is right. He is young. Be
         patient with your brother and keep                a      does someone wait their turn?
         repeating (nicely!): ‘Please don’t interrupt’,    b      does someone ask for permission?
         ‘Please don’t take my things without              c  1    does someone arrive on time?
         asking.’ He will learn.
                                                           d      does someone interrupt?

                                                         5  Are good manners important to you?

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