Page 11 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 11
                I can talk about food and its quantity. Is there any milk?                        0.5

        In the kitchen                                                3  Look at the picture and complete the
                                                                         sentences with the correct form of the
                                                                         verb to be and some or any.

                                                                         1   There       are         some     apples.
         Doctor Q and Millie love cooking.
                                                                         2  There            any     coffee.
                                                        c                3  There                     biscuits.
                                                                         4  There            some  milk.
               a                                   d                     5  There                     eggs.

                                                          e              6  There                    cucumbers.

                                                                      4      1.15 Listen and repeat. Label the
                                                                         containers in Doctor Q’s kitchen.
                                                                         Vocabulary  Containers

            Dr Q:     Can I have the flour, please Millie?
            Millie:    Yes, of course. What are we going to make?        a bar of chocolate  a bottle of water
            Dr Q:     We’re going to make …                              a can of tuna  a carton of milk
                                                                         a jar of jam  a packet of flour

        1      1.13 Look at the picture. Listen and read. What do        a  a bottle of water
          you think Doctor Q and Millie are going to make? Go to         b                   e
          page 106 and check.                                            c                   f

          Grammar Countable and uncountable                           5      1.16 Complete the questions. Look
          nouns, some and any                                            at the picture and answer. Then listen

                                                                         and check.
           Countable nouns             Uncountable nouns
                                                                         1  How     many     apples   are    there?
           an apple                    sugar
                                                                         2  How   much    tuna   is       there?
           There are some apples.      There is some sugar.              3  How   many    eggs   are      there?
           There aren’t any apples.    There isn’t any sugar.            4  How   much    flour   is       there?
           Are there any apples?       Is there any sugar?               5  How   much    water   is       there?
                                                                         6  How   much     chocolate
           How many apples are there?  How much sugar is there?
                                       There are two packets of
           There are ten apples.                                         A:  How many apples are there?
                                                                         B:  There are five apples.
        2      1.14 Listen and repeat. In your notebook, make two
          lists: countable and uncountable nouns.                                                 Spot

          Vocabulary  Food and drink
                                                               6  Work in pairs. Student A: Make a list of ten food
          apple biscuit bread butter carrot                      and drink items. Student B: Find out what is on
          cereal chocolate cucumber egg                          A’s list. Hurry up! You have only two minutes!
                                                                 Then swap roles.
          flour juice orange rice strawberry
                                                                 B: Is there any jam?
          sugar tuna water  yoghurt                                                          A:  No, there isn’t any jam.
                                                                 B: Are there any apples?
                                                                                             A:  Yes, there are some
                                                                 B:  How many apples
          Countable:  apple, biscuit, …                                                        apples.
                                                                   are there?
          Uncountable:  bread, butter, …                                                     A: Six.
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16