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P. 15


          Grammar  Present Continuous                                     4  Get Grammar!

                                                                       Why are you sleeping
           I’m playing.             I’m not playing.                        in my bed?
           He/She/It’s playing.     He/She/It isn’t playing.

           You/We/They’re playing.  You/We/They aren’t playing.
                                     Short answers

           Am I playing?            Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
                                    Yes, he/she/it is.
           Is he/she/it playing?
                                    No, he/she/it isn’t.
                                    Yes, you/we/they are.
           Are you/we/they playing?
                                    No, you/we/they aren’t.
                                                                      9  Complete the text messages with the
                                                                        Present Continuous or the Present Simple
           What are they doing?  Why is she calling?
                                                                        form of the verbs in the box.

                                                                          do  study  love need
        6  It’s Saturday afternoon. Complete the sentences with the       watch like want
          Present Continuous form of the verb.
          1   George and Harry  are doing  (do) their chores. They
                         (not play) a computer game.                            Hi,   1  are     you   studying    ?
          2  Emma                 (not make) decorations for the
            school fair. She             (put) away the clean clothes.      No, I’m not. I   2      a film.
          3   The boys’ mum and dad                (have)
            a cup of coffee. They              (not watch) TV.                  3           you           it?
          4   Poppy and her parents              (not tidy) the
            house. They                (do) the shopping.                              No, I don’t. It’s silly.

        7  It’s Saturday evening now. Complete the telephone
          conversation. Write questions and short answers.
          Emma:   Hi, Gran.   Are you calling  (you / call) from home?           4            you           the
          Gran:    No,   2          . I’m at a café with a friend.               shopping?
                  3                (you / hang out) with Poppy?
          Emma:   Yes,   4           . We’re cooking spaghetti at                               Yes, I am.
                  her place.
          Gran:    Great.   5              (Poppy’s mum / help) you?             Please, buy some chocolate,
                                                                                 I   5         to make a cake.
          Emma:   No,              . She’s working in the garden.
                                                                            Sure. I   6        your cakes!
          Grammar  Stative verbs                                            7           you
                                                                            anything else?
            We don’t usually use the Present Continuous with these
            verbs: like, love, hate, know, need, understand, want.              Yes, some orange juice, please.
            I want a sandwich. ✔   NOT I’m wanting a sandwich. ✘

                                                                      10   Exam Spot    Work in pairs.
         8  Which stative verbs can you find in the story on page 12?    Student A: Go to page 106.
                                                                         Student B: Go to page 112.

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