Page 103 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 103
I can understand a text about a special event. Reading 8.5
Do you like going to sleepovers at friends’ houses?
Then why not try one of our “Sleepovers with a Difference”?
1 a 3 b 2 c
1 Sleep with dinosaurs!
3 Would you like to go on one of these
Š Where is it? The Natural History Museum, London sleepovers? Which one? Why?
Š Who can go? Children aged 7–11
Š What can you do? You can learn about dinosaurs, explore 4 Exam Spot 3.56 Write Emma’s
the museum at night, and sleep next to a diplodocus! In the questions to her friend Sylvia. Then
morning, you can visit the museum shop. listen and check.
2 Sleep with sharks! Emma: What did you do last weekend?
Š Where is it? The National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth Sylvia: Last weekend? I went to a
Š Who can go? Children aged 5–15 sleepover at the Science
Š What can you do? You can have a tour of the aquarium and Museum.
see amazing underwater creatures. Later, you can watch Emma: 1Was it good ? ?
a movie and sleep next to the sharks! Sylvia: Yes, it was really good. We
nts and
3 Sleep with an Egyptian mummy! did some experiments and
Š Where is it? The British Museum, London watched a film.
Š Who can go? Children aged 8–15 Emma: 2 ? ?
o bed at midnight.
Š What can you do? You can make an Egyptian boat, learn Sylvia: We went to bed at midnight.
about the pyramids, and sleep on the floor of one of the Emma: 3 V
oldest museums in the world. In the morning, you can have
t w
Sylvia: Next weekend? I’m going to
end? I’m go
breakfast in the museum café. visit my cousins.
sit my cousin
Where do they live
So what are you waiting for? Pack your sleeping bag, toothbrush Emma: Where do they live ?
and torch, and get ready for a night of adventure!
lvia: They live in
Sylvia: They live in Edinburgh.
1 3.55 Read and listen to the text. Match paragraphs
1–3 to photos a-c. Fun
5 The British Museum is a new museum. 3 T / F F3 . 5 How many words can you make from the
T / F3
2 Read the sentences. Circle T (true) or F (false). Correct Spot
the false sentences.
T / F F
1 The Natural History Museum is in America.
n L
False. The Natural History Museum is in London, UK.
ondon, UK
letters in the words below?
2 You can walk around the museum at night. T / FF
3 At the Aquarium, you can see a film.
4 You can’t go if you’re fifteen.
T / F
6 You sleep in a bed. T / F Send, mum, …