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8.3                  Grammar             I can ask questions about the present and the past.

          City Creatures                                            The fancy dress party

                                                                            Later, Al is walking to the party …

       Carla:  What are you making, Al?
       Big Al:    It’s a costume for a fancy dress party.
              I’m going to be Lay-Z Dogg, the famous rapper.                            Fan 1:   Look! It’s Lay-Z Dogg!
       Carla:    He’s in a concert at the Palace Theatre tonight.                       Fan 2:   We love you, Lay-Z!
       Big Al:    Really? That’s near the party.                                        Big Al:  But I’m not …

          There are lots of reporters …        Suddenly the real Lay-Z arrives!

             3        Are you excited about       4
                          the concert?
                           Was your
                         holiday good?
                       Did you go to Paris?
                             do you buy
                            your clothes?
                             What did                Lay-Z:  Who are you? Are you
                            you have for                    wearing my clothes?
                            breakfast?               Big Al:   No, no, it’s a costume.
                                                            I’m going to a fancy
                           Were you                         dress party.
                        a good student?                     Don’t be angry.
                                                     Lay-Z:   I’m not angry.
                                                            It’s a great costume!       5
                          Have you got a girlfriend?  Big Al: Thanks.
                              Does she sing?         Lay-Z:   Are you free tonight,
                                                            after your party?
                                                            Do you want tickets
                                                            for the concert?
                           But …                     Big Al:   Wow! Yes, please! Err,
                                                            can I bring my friends,
                                                            Carla and Rocco?
                                                     Lay-Z:   Of course! You can be
                                                            my special guests!

            Look at t
         1  Look at the pictures. What type of party      2      3.48 Read and listen. Circle T (true) or F (false).

                    he pict
            is Big Al going to?
                                                            1  Al is making a costume for a party.      T / F
                                                            2  The party is in the Palace Theatre.      T / F
                                                            3  The fans think that Al is Lay-Z Dogg.    T / F
                                                           4 The reporters are asking a lot of questions.   T / F
                                                           5  Lay-Z Dogg is angry with Al.              T / F
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