Page 97 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 97
2 3.40 Listen and repeat. Find six of the 6 Tell the class about an event you went to.
events on Megan’s pinboard on page 94.
Vocabulary Events I went to a … last week/month/year.
I had a … a week / two months ago.
barbecue birthday party concert
I took part in a … on Friday/Saturday.
dance show football match
fancy dress party picnic play
sleepover talent competition
really good!
boring! It was
3 Complete the sentences with the events on terrible!
page 94.
1 The sleepover is at Hannah’s house. I went to a concert last week. It was amazing!
2 The starts at 2 o’clock.
7 3.42 Listen and repeat.
3 The and are on
a Saturday.
Vocabulary Ordinal numbers
4 The tickets for the are £5.00.
5 The finishes at 7 o’clock. the first the second the third the fourth the fifth
the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth
4 Describe the pictures. Use the expressions
the eleventh the twelfth the thirteenth …
in the box. What’s the event?
the twentieth the twenty-first … the thirtieth …
cook food get presents
sing "Happy Birthday" sleep on the floor
take part in a competition L K! Dates
wear a costume 1st May = the first of May
23rd June = the twenty-third of Junene
1 2
8 Write the dates in your notebook.
e 25th Apr
3rd October 14th May 9th June 25th April
12th March 30th August
3 4 the third of October
es of t
9 3.43 Look at the dates of the events on Megan’s
he events on
d name the event.
pinboard. Listen and name the event.
1 the sleepover
5 6
I remember
e ver
xt mo
y busy ne
10 You are very busy next month. that!
3 Did the person like the event or not? 3 Thu 1 1 2 Rihanna Concert
Write your diary. Then tell the class.
rite your diary. Then t
1 Some children are singing “Happy Birthday”. JULY Y
It’s a birthday party.
3.41 Listen to the description of three
5 events and answer the questions. hr ee Sat 4 Fancy Dress Party at Lena’s house
1 What was the event? On the second of July, I’ve got a Rihanna concert.
2 What did the person do at the event?
On the fourth of July, …