Page 85 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 85
2 3.18 Listen and repeat. What type of 7 3.21 Circle the correct answer. Then listen
transport in the Vocabulary box can you see in again to check.
the photos on page 82?
1 Mark’s train leaves / gets off every ten minutes.
2 Asha and her sister take / get on their dad’s
Vocabulary Transport nouns motorbike.
3 Evan and his friends always arrive / leave at
bike boat bus car motorbike
school on time.
plane taxi train tram underground
4 Elsa and her friend get off / arrive the tram
near their school.
L K! 5 When the weather is bad, Karl arrives / takes
a plane to school.
I go to school by car / by train / by boat.
I go to school on foot. = I walk to school. 8 Exam Spot Read about another school
commute. Circle the correct answer a, b or c.
3 Game! Write the type of transport next to
descriptions. You have three minutes! You can 14-year-old Enzo Paci lives
use the words more than once. in Queens in New York City
train boat bike and he travels two hours to
plane taxi a school in the Bronx. It’s
tram motorbike
bus car
a very good school.
Which transport:
1 travels on water? Enzo 1 a bus and two trains, and the last ten
minutes of his journey is 2 foot. At 6.30 a.m. he
2 travels in the air? 3 bus. The train 4 at
goes to the train station
3 can carry ten people or more?
7 a.m. and arrives in Manhattan at 8 a.m. Then, at
4 has four wheels or more?
8.30 a.m. Enzo 5 another train to his school! It’s
4 3.19 Match the words to the pictures. Then one of the longest school journeys in the world!
listen and check.
1 2 3
4 5 6 1 a takes b goes c arrives
c with
2 a by b on c
b with
3 a on b w U c by
a by motorbike c by car e by bike 4 a gets off leaves c takes
ets o
b by tram d on foot f 1 by train 5 a gets on b gets off c goes
5 3.20 Listen and repeat. I remember
Vocabulary Transport verbs 9 Discuss t h that!
9 Discuss the questions
in pairs. Which way of
in pairs. W
arrive get off get on leave take
travelling is:
a the fastest? c the most boring?
6 3.21 Listen to five children. Match them to b the slowest? d the most exciting?
em t
photos on page 82. There is one extra photo. o
I think travelling by motorbike is the most
a 3 Mark c Evan e Karl exciting.
b Asha d Elsa