Page 86 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 86

7.2                Grammar             I can talk about the past.  

          Elena didn’t sleep well

          Last Friday, Amy and her family went away for the weekend.   The first night Elena didn’t sleep well.
          Elena went too. They didn’t go camping or stay in a hotel, they
          stayed in a hostel.

                                                                   Elena:  Eek! Is that a spider?
                                                                   Amy:   Where?
                                                                   Elena:   There, on my backpack … Oh no! It’s
                                                                         inside my sleeping bag!
                                                                   Amy:       Don’t panic, Elena. It didn’t go inside. It’s
                                                                         here, on your torch!

           They didn't have bikes at the hostel, so the next day   That evening they didn’t want to eat in a restaurant.
           Amy, Elena, and Mr and Mrs Riley went for a walk.   They decided to cook at the hostel.

             3                                                  4



             Amy:      It’s getting cold, Dad.        Mr Riley:   Do you want one sausage or two, Elena?
                                                       A A
             Mrs Riley:  Where’s your coat Elena?      Amy:       Er, Elena doesn’t eat meat. … Sorry, Elena, I didn’t tell Dad.
             Elena:    Er … I didn’t bring one.        Mrs Riley:   Well, what about a nice cheese sandwich?
                                                       M M M
                                     a! Here,
             Mr Riley:     Don’t worry, Elena! Here,   Mr Riley:   Atishoo!
                      have my coat.     U              Mrs Riley: Oh dear!
                                     e ar
                             es. Wher
          1  Look at the pictures. Where are      3      3.23 Listen and repeat. Find these expressions
            Elena and Amy? What are they             in the story.
                        my? What are they
            doing?                                                                                    Say it!
          2     355  H  H  H  H  H   3.22 Watch or listen   Don’t worry!  Don’t panic!  Oh dear!
            and read. Circle T (true) or F (false).
              d read. Circle T (tru
            1  The family stayed in a hotel.   T / F
            1 The family stay
            2  Amy isn’t scared of spiders.  T / F
            2  my isn’t sca                         4      Guess!     Why does Mrs Riley say “Oh dear!”?
            3  They went on a bike ride.
            3                             T / F        Have a class vote.
            4  Elena hasn’t got her coat.    T / F     a  Mr Riley has got a cold.    b They haven’t got any cheese.
            5  Elena eats sausages.       T / F
                                                    5      36      3.24 Now watch or listen and check.
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