Page 91 - Go getter level 2 free pdf
P. 91
                        I can understand a text about an explorer.  Reading                        7.5

                  Antarctic   Adventure

                                                    On 1 December 2014,16-year-old Lewis Clarke got on a
                                                    plane. Nineteen hours later he arrived in Antarctica. Lewis
                                                    didn’t go there with his parents. He went there with an
                                                    explorer, Carl Alvey. Lewis was on a Polar expedition – he
                                                    wanted to be the youngest person to go to the South Pole!
                                                    The journey was difficult and dangerous. Lewis travelled 700
                                                    miles and skied for eight hours every day. His backpack was
                                                    heavy – inside there was a tent, clothes, food, a torch and
                                                    a camera. He also had his schoolwork!
                                                    After 48 days, Lewis arrived at the South Pole. He was happy,
                                                    and he phoned his parents. Then he had his favourite meal –
                                                    spaghetti bolognese!

                                                    Lewis was the youngest person to go to the South Pole, but it
                                                    wasn't his first world record. When he was twelve, he swam
                                                    the English Channel with five other schoolchildren. Is Lewis
                                                    cool – or just crazy?

        1  Look at the photo and the title. Where are the      5  Read the sentences and the clues. Complete
          people? What are they doing?                           the sentences with a word in Exercise 4.
                                                                1   The  expedition    to Antarctica was six months
        2      3.35 Read and listen to the text. Find six
                                                                   long. (noun)
          things that Lewis took in his backpack.
                                                                 2   Polar bears are
                                                                   they are hungry! (adjective)
        3  Exam Spot  Read the text again and complete
                                                                3   Christopher Columbus was a famous
          the sentences.
                                                                                 . (noun)
          1  Lewis was the youngest person to go to South
                                                                                                  Mark, this is a
                                                                4   ‘Wow! Five metres in long jump! Mark, this is a
                                                                   school              .’ (noun)oun)
          2  He went to Antarctica with             .           5   My schoolbag is
          3  He skied for              every day.                  I’ve got my P.E. kit. (adjective)
         a tent, clothes, food, a torch, a camera and schoolwork.
          4  The journey took               days.
                                                                                  ions in your not
         5   At the South Pole, Lewis phoned his parents       6  Answer the questions in your notebook. Then
             and ate                                             tell your partner about your journey.
                                                                            rtner about yo
           6   He swam the English Channel when he was           It took … hours! HDU
                                                                          you did a journey la
                                                                 Imagine you did a journey last summer. Was it:
             twelve years old.                                   a  long or short?

                                                                          r short?
                                                                 b  easy or difficult?
        4  Find these words in the text. Which of them are       b  easy or difficult?
          adjectives? Which of them are nouns?                   c   teresting or bo
                                                                 c  interesting or boring?
                                                                 Last summer we went to … by … .
            dangerous expedition explorer heavy                  L a st summer
                                                                   e journe
            record                                               The journey was … and very …
            Noun                    Adjective

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