Page 111 - Go Getter free PDF Level 1
P. 111
        1&2                       Get more on Geometry!
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                                                       e on Geome

          1      25 Listen and repeat. Look at the pictures     3  Read the texts in Exercise 2 again. Complete
            and number the words in the Vocabulary box.           the table.

                                                                          Clothes       Colours        Shapes
            Vocabulary  Shapes
            circle    2  line   rectangle
            square      triangle

            1        2        3        4        5

          2  Read and match texts 1–3 to pictures A–D.
            There is one extra picture.                         4  Read the sentences and circle T (true)
                                                                  or F (false).
             A                    B
                                                                  1  The rectangle on T-shirt A is small.     T / F
                                                                  2  T-shirt A is one colour.                T / F
                                                                 3   Top C is yellow with one square and
                                                                   one triangle.                             T / F
                                                                  4  The squares on top C are black.         T / F
                                                                  5  The circle on top B is blue.
                                                                                T / F
             C                    D                               6  The lines on top B are black and blue.    T / F

                                                                5  Design a T-shirt or a top with shapes. Then
                                                                  complete the sentences.

            1       Look! This is my new top. It’s cool. It’s blue
                  with squares, triangles and orange and
                  yellow lines. A small circle is on my top too.

            2       My favourite top is old but it isn’t boring.
                  It’s yellow with red squares, green lines and
                  triangles. No rectangles and no circles!

            3       My T-shirts are one colour. My favourite
                  T-shirt is blue with one big rectangle, small
                                                                  This is my                        .
                  triangles and a circle.  No squares or lines!
                                                                  The shapes are                          .

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