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P. 114

                                   Get more on Sports!                                        7&8

                                      Sports equipment

       1      28 Listen and repeat. Find these objects in the photos in     3  Look at the texts again and
          Exercise 2.                                                         underline four more pieces of
          Vocabulary  Sports equipment
                                                                            4  Complete the table with
                                                                              equipment words from the texts.
          bat   b    goggles   d    helmet       net      racket      stick

       2  What sports do these teens like? Complete the texts with the          Hockey
          words in the box. There are four extra sports.                        Volleyball

           badminton cycling football hockey roller skating                     Football
           table tennis tennis swimming volleyball
                                                                                Table tennis
           1   I love          because I can hang out
              with my friends outside and be active.                            Cycling
              We ride our bikes at the weekend.
              I always wear a helmet.                                       5  Do you like sport? Complete the
                                                                              sentences for you.
                          2   I like         . I play                         I like          . I play / go / do
                             on Saturdays with  my                                        with         .
                             brother. You need a
                                                             b                To do this sport I need          .
                             small ball and
                             a bat for this sport.
                             You play the ball on a                                   3   I love playing        .
                             table with a net.                                          I often play with my sister.
                             There are usually two                                      We play on Wednesdays
                             or four players.                                           and Fridays. I have a new
                                                                                        racket. It’s a birthday


                                        4   I like       . I’m
                                          in a club. I train
                                          every day and I think
                                          I’m good at it. I wear
                                          goggles because          5   I love         . I like
                                          I hate getting water        playing on ice but you can
                                          in my eyes. I wear          play this sport on grass
                                          a swimming cap too          too. You need a long stick
                                          because I’ve got            to play. And it’s also good
                                          long hair.                  to wear a helmet.


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