Page 55 - Go Getter free PDF Level 1
P. 55
                        .,9 @9/0=>?,9/ ,9/ /: , ;0=>:9,74?D <@4E   Reading

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          Vocabulary  Personality adjectives
                                                              4      2.29 !4>?09 ?: ?B: 1=409/>   =0 ?30D 1=409/7D
                                                                1@99D ,9/ >;:=?D  '4.6     1:= yes ,9/ ;@?
          clever    friendly    funny    helpful    nice    sporty
                                                                , .=:>>     1:= no

             I speak to everyone. I’m  friendly .                          1=409/7D      1@99D        >;:=?D
             My teacher helps me every day. She’s         .      Sam
              You’ve got flowers for your mum. You’re very        Sue
             My friend’s jokes are great! He’s       .
             They love football and tennis. They’re      .
             I’ve got good marks at school. I’m         .                                         Fun

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               What kind of
            a person are you?                                        A:  This student is very friendly and she’s
            Are you friendly?                                          sporty. She’s very helpful too.
              Are you funny? 
                                                                     B:  Is it Maria?
                                                                     A: Yes! You’re right!

         QUIZ TIME                   'R RXU SHUVRQDOLW\ TXL] WR ¿QG RXW

          1  How many good friends have you got?              5  Are you good at school?
             a  3–6  b  7–10  c  1 or 2                          a  I’m OK.  b  Yes, I am!
          2  Are your jokes funny?                               c  ୻,¶P JRRG DW P\ IDYRXULWH VXEMHFWV
             a  Sometimes.  b  Yes!  c  No. My jokes are bad!  6  Your best friend has got a problem. You:
          3  What’s your favourite hobby?                        a  help your friend.  b  just say ‘I’m sorry’.
             a  Sports.  b  Dancing.  c  Reading.                c  say ‘Speak to your mum’.
          4  What’s your favourite place?                     7  Your neighbour has got a big bag. You say:
             a  School.  b  A party!  c  My room.                a  ‘Hello, I can help!’  b  ‘That’s big!’
                                                                 c  ‘I’m sorry, I’ve got homework.’

           A lot of your answers are a.   A lot of your answers are b.        A lot of your answers are c.

           GOOD FRIEND!                   PARTY ANIMAL!                       HOME LOVER!
           You are a good friend. You are   You are very funny and friendly but   You are friendly … sometimes!
           very nice! You are helpful and   you aren’t always very helpful. Jokes,   You don’t like groups. You aren’t
           sporty. You are a good student.  parties and dancing are your favourite   very sporty but you are usually
                                          things but you are also a good student.  a good student.
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