Page 73 - Go Getter free PDF Level 1
P. 73

                                                                    6  Number the activities in the order you do
        2      3.1 Listen and repeat. Which expressions can
                                                                      them on a typical day. Read your lists in
          you find in the pictures on page 70?
                                                                      pairs. Are they the same?
                                                                           have dinner        1    get up
          Vocabulary   Daily activities
                                                                           have lessons           have breakfast
                                                                           go to school           go to bed
          do my homework    get up    go to bed
                                                                           do my homework         have lunch
          go to school    hang out with my friends
          have a shower    have breakfast    have dinner            7  Look at the pictures. Write the activity.
          have lessons    have lunch    listen to music

          tidy my room    watch TV

        3  Circle the correct answer.
                                                                      1  hang out with       2
          1  get / go to bed      5  watch / listen to music
                                                                         my friends
          2  have / get up        6  take / watch TV
          3  tidy / listen to my room  7  do / have my homework
          4  have / go lessons   8  take / hang out with my friends

        4  Complete the expressions with the words in the box.
                                                                      3                      4

            lessons dinner a shower breakfast  lunch

                                                                      5                      6

                                                                    8  In pairs, play the board game on page 70.

                                                                       1   Throw a dice.
                                                                       2   Go forward.
                                                                       3    If there’s a picture on the square,
          1    lunch                             3                        name the activity.
                                                                          • Correct answer: stay there.
                                                                          • Wrong answer: go back two squares.
                                                                       4   Go to the FINISH first to win!

                 4                       5
                                                                                                 I remember
                                                                      9  Put the daily activities
                                                                         in the Vocabulary box
          L     K!         have breakfast/lunch/dinner                   into groups.
                           have a shower
                           have lessons
                                                                          :)  My favourite activities: ...

        5      3.2 Listen and write the activity in your notebook.        :(  Activities I don't like: ...
          Use the Vocabulary box to help you.
         1  watch TV

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