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P. 77
Grammar Adverbs of frequency 33 Get Grammar!
We -8C-E? hang out with our friends.
We often watch DVDs
He A?A-88E goes to the gym.
And we always
I ;2@1: visit my grandma. eat popcorn.
She ?;91@591? has dinner with us.
They :1B1> get up late.
0B1>. B1>. 0B1>. to be
I -8C-E? have breakfast. I am -8C-E? happy.
They :1B1> get up late. They are :1B1> late.
5 : E;A> :;@1.;;7 C>5@1 4;C ;2@1: A3 0;1? 7 3.7 !5?@1: -:0 >1<1-@
@41?1 -/@5B5@51?
1 has usually at home breakfast He . Vocabulary Days of the week
He usually has breakfast at home.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
sometimes computer games plays He .
Friday Saturday Sunday
at home on Tuesday never is He .
listens He to music often .
8 ;9<81@1 @41 C;>0? (188 E;A> <->@:1> C41: 5@
5 gets up He late always . 0;1? @41?1 -/@5B5@51? +45/4 0-E 5? 95??5:3
1 watch films F _ _day
r i
6 : E;A> :;@1.;;7 C>5@1 -.;A@ 5@ ? ?5?@1>? get up late S _ _ _ _day
!A8A -:0 8; )?1 @41 /;>>1/@ 2;>9 ;2 @41 cook dinner W _ _ _ _ _day
B1>.? tidy her house S _ _day
have a tennis lesson M _ _day
go to the gym T _ _ _day
Kit watches films on Friday.
9 : E;A> :;@1.;;7 C>5@1 ?1:@1:/1? @4-@ ->1 @>A1 2;>
E;A +41: 5? E;A> 2>11 0-E
always / Monday
Lulu and Flo / go to the cinema on Friday. I always watch TV on Monday.
(often) sometimes / Tuesday
Lulu and Flo often go to the cinema on often / Thursday
usually / Friday
Lulu and Flo / hang out with Kit and Dug.
never / Saturday
always / Sunday
Lulu / go to bed early. (usually)
Flo / play computer games. (never) 10 +;>7 5: <-5>? '-E ;:1 @>A1 -:0 ;:1 2-8?1 -/@5B5@E
They / be late for school. (sometimes) -: E;A> <->@:1> ?<;@ @41 2-8?1 ?1:@1:/1
They / do their homework before dinner. A: I never get up late. I often cook.
B: True, false!
A: Correct!