Page 81 - Go Getter free PDF Level 1
P. 81
                                                          Language Revision

        Vocabulary                                            Grammar

        1   ;9<81@1 @41 1D<>1??5;:? C5@4 C;>0? 5: @41 .;D     6   ;9<81@1  ->8- ? .8;3 -.;A@ 41> @E<5/-8
          (41>1 ? ;:1 1D@>- C;>0                                9;>:5:3  )?1 @41 B1>.? 5: @41 .;D 5: @41 /;>>1/@
            go to watch  homework  listen to up
            have my room friends school                           go get (x3) hang have (x3) listen

          1  do my  homework                    bed
             get                                music
                                                               I    get    up at half past seven but my parents
                       TV             tidy                     2        up at seven o’clock. My sister, Kate,
             go to                    hang out with            3        up late every day! We   4    breakfast

          The extra word is          .                         together. After breakfast I   5   to school with
                                                               Kate. We go on the bus. Kate   6     to music and
        2  +>5@1 @4>11 /;88;/-@5;:? C5@4 @41 1D@>- C;>0 5:        7hang
                                                                I         out with my friends. We   8    lessons
           D1>/5?1     ; E;A 7:;C -:E 9;>1 /;88;/-@5;:?        and we   9
          C5@4 @45? C;>0                                                        lunch at one o’clock.
                     a  sh_ _ _r   2       b_ _ _k_ _ _t
                    le_ _on_                                  7   : E;A> :;@1.;;7  C>5@1 ?1:@1:/1? @4-@ ->1 @>A1
                                                                2;> E;A
        3   5:0 -:0 /5>/81 @41 0-E? ;2 @41 C117  '-E @419 5:
          @41 /;>>1/@ ;>01> C5@4 E;A> <->@:1>  +45/4 0-E 5?        My brother / sister (always)
          95??5:3                                                My brother always gets up late.
                                                                   My parents (usually)
                 j7i(hursdaEi;8(uesdaEcB.'a@urdaE=we";ndaEi;pFridaE.nmWednesdaE78;     My best friend (often)
                                                                   My granny and grandad (sometimes)
                                                                   My teacher (never)
                                                                6  I (always)


                                                              8  "-@/4  G  @; -G/ -:0 9-71 @C; 05-8;3A1?
        4   :?C1> @41 =A1?@5;:?  (41: @188 - 2>51:0
             What month is your birthday?
                                                                1  b   What time is it?       a  OK!
             What month is Christmas?
                                                                2     What time is the show?    .  It’s five to two.
             What month is after February?
                                                                3     Let’s watch it.         /  At two o’clock.
             What month is before August?
                                                                1       When is the match?    a  It’s ten to six.
        5      3.14 !5?@1: -:0 >1<1-@   s    z  ;>  ɪz          2     What time is it now?    .  Yes, let’s go!
                                                                3     Let’s walk fast then!   /   It’s at six o’clock.
          Kate gets up late and has breakfast fast,
          She watches a film and runs for the bus!
                                                                 Check yourself!

                                                                H  I can talk about daily activities.
                                                                H  I can use the Present Simple in
                                                                  affirmative sentences.
                                                                H  I can use adverbs of frequency.
                                                                H  I can tell the time.

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