Page 4 - Eureka! Fall 2005
P. 4
Cover story Fighting crime with Alumni links
genetic ingenuity
When slife can have the biggest impact. first-degree murder, bringing the total including the special ways
ometimes the smallest things in
According to Dina Lama, BScHons/02, fast-paced position of case co- stored, and packed.
number of charges to 27.
in which it’s collected,
Currently, Lama works in the
this is certainly the case with deoxy-
It’s really a far cry from
ribonucleic acid, or DNA.
the sexy depictions of lab ana-
ordinator, screening the exhibits
strikes... coordinator with the Royal Canadian brought in from the field and se- lysts in such television shows as
As a forensic DNA analyst and case
lecting the ones that may yield the
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,
Lama says.
Mounted Police (RCMP), she has first-
strongest and most significant clues.
Gail Atkinson, Earth Sciences professor. hand experience with those tiny ge- Deliveries of evidence run the gamut Real-life lab analysts typically
netic identifiers that make us who we from spent firearm cartridges, to don full lab coats, face masks,
are and record where we have been. counterfeits, to DNA swabs, autopsy and gloves. Tied-back hair is the
ou wake up with a jolt. Something by telling people where more shak- the ShakeMap program. Roughly 90 Lama frequently examines and samples, and forgeries. norm. In fact, it’s often difficult
yisn’t right. The light fixture above ing will occur and where there will of these stations are installed across processes evidence from high-profile “Investigators just don’t drop ex- to tell whether analysts are men
your head is swaying like a pendulum, be less, delivering to users a more Canada as part of the Portable Ob- crime scenes from across Canada. hibits off at the lab’s door, they have or women because they’re so
your bed seems to be wobbling off its detailed snapshot of the earthquake servatories for Lithospheric Analysis And, if summoned, she uses her ex- to get my okay first,” she says, adding covered up, says Lama.
frame, and the rattling from inside in mere minutes. and Research Investigating Seismicity pertise in DNA analysis to testify in the evidence must meet strict criteria “We don’t wear mini-skirts,
your kitchen cupboards grows louder Within three minutes after the St. (POLARIS). The project is led by Car- criminal court proceedings, includ- before being admitted for analysis, shorts or T-shirts. If we did, we
as dishes cascade onto the floor. Lawrence earthquake, email alerts leton under the direction of Professor ing cases before the Supreme would contaminate the
The earthquake you’re experiencing were sent out to users, informing Atkinson and has five other Canadian Court of Alberta. evidence. Quality control is a
could be minor or it could be the start them of the peak ground velocity and universities as members, as well as “We find evidence that huge issue in the work we do.”
of something more severe. You could intensity recorded at each of the sur- the Geological Survey of Canada. may aid the prosecution of As well, real-life analysts
be right at the epicentre, or you could rounding earthquake stations. Four “I’m very proud of our ShakeMap someone or exonerate an don’t pump out results in
be far away from something bigger. minutes later, online maps were gen- team, which has developed the first individual who is wrongfully the matter of half an hour,
Without the help of sophisticated erated that displayed this information working ShakeMap application out- accused,” she says of the DNA she says.
technology and seismological experts, using a variety of colours to indicate side of the western United States,” derived from nucleated skin George Carmody, Profes-
you may not know … until it’s too late. which areas were hardest hit. says Atkinson. “We have demonstrated or blood cells. This precious sor Emeritus of Biology and
Research conducted in the Depart- This information can be especially that it can provide reliable and timely evidence is carefully col- Lama’s honours thesis advi-
ment of Earth Sciences could help fill useful to first responders whose job it information on the strength of ground lected from murder scenes sor, echoed these sentiments
the information void when it comes to is to evacuate victims and treat them shaking and its likely effects through- by identification officers and at “CSI: Halifax,” a recent
predicting and assessing the poten- for injuries. It also gives managers out southern Ontario — almost as delivered to the Ottawa labs FOCUS Tour presentation he
tial havoc caused by an earthquake. of critical infrastructure, such as the soon as the shaking stops.” where Lama works. gave to Carleton alumni in
Under the direction of Professor Pickering Nuclear Power Plant just While the ShakeMap product “The data we get from Nova Scotia’s capital.
Gail Atkinson, a renowned earthquake east of Toronto, a quick snapshot of originated from California, Kaka and this evidence can help a lot “Even it if it was an as-
expert, SanLinn Kaka is working on a how they might be affected. others have modified it to suit the lo- of people,” she says. “It can sault on the prime min-
project called ShakeMap. The PhD stu- Such facilities have a direct link to cal landscape, proving the tool can be give the family members (of ister and you had good
dent and other researchers at Carleton seismological stations equipped with used anywhere in the world. murder victims) a sense of blood evidence, it would
have been developing and modifying “Once this gets off the ground, we’ll closure. And it gives me such take you three days to
the Web-based program for over a year probably see more ShakeMaps crop a huge feeling of gratifica- get the results,” says the
and successfully tested it last spring. up,” Kaka says, adding the tool would tion and satisfaction to know renowned DNA expert.
On March 6, 2005, the program be useful for seismologists in coastal I have the ability to help “(The way it’s depicted on
successfully recorded an earthquake B.C. “The challenge is that it has to be them.” television) is not the way
in Quebec that registered 5.4 on the region-specific. So you have to tailor While Lama cannot go it actually works.”
Richter scale. While the epicentre was it to your region.” into specifics about the However, there is an
under the St. Lawrence River, it was felt Kaka and Atkinson have co-pub- highly-confidential cases upside to such popular TV
by several surrounding towns and cities lished related research work in the she has worked on, her lab shows as CSI: They spark
including Montreal, Ottawa and Boston. Seismological Society of America’s unit continues to receive a lot of interest among
As is routine, the Geological Survey academic journals, including the Bul- DNA samples from the B.C. aspiring forensic scientists,
of Canada recorded the magnitude letin of the Seismological Society of pig farm of Robert Picton. Carmody says
and location of the epicentre. While America and Seismological Research The man accused of being Adds Lama: “The job is
these are helpful pieces of informa- Letters. Please visit Carleton’s Shake- Canada’s worst serial killer a lot less glamorous than
tion, they don’t tell the full story, says Map project at was charged last spring people think. But I find it
Kaka. ShakeMap fills in the blanks SanLinn Kaka, PhD candidate in the Department of Visit POLARIS at with 12 additional counts of Dina lama, Bschons/02 truly fascinating.”
Earth Sciences.
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