Page 10 - Eureka! Fall 2007
P. 10

Faculty news  Must be something in the water                                  ever, their reactivity can also lead to                                                                                                                   Faculty news

                   irds sing. Painters paint. Research-
                                                 salary from the university.”
                                                                                   toxicity even at relatively low levels.
               Bers research. It’s what they do. It is
                                                   Chakrabarti now supervises four
                                                                                   Currently, potentially toxic levels of
               why, despite retiring in 1991, Chuni Lal
                                                 graduate students; his research labora-
                                                                                   metal, such as those from mine efflu-
               Chakrabarti is still in his office and lab
                                                 tories in the Department of Chemistry
                                                 have been designated a National Centre
               in the Steacie Building today.
                                                 of Excellence as part of the Canadian
                                                                                   using a method that presumes chemi-
                                                                                   cal activities or concentrations have
                                                 Water Network; and his research proj-  ents, are measured in natural waters
                                                 ect on kinetic control of metal bio-   no net change over time. However,
                                                 uptake in natural waters recently   this chemical equilibrium is often not
                                                 received funding from the Natural   achieved in dynamic water systems,
                                                 Sciences and Engineering Research   resulting in erroneous estimates that
                                                 Council (NSERC) for five years. In fact,   have health, environmental and eco-
                                                 Chakrabarti’s research has received   nomic consequences.
                                                 continuous funding in Canada since   Chakrabarti is working on a predic-
                                                 1965—when he joined Carleton’s chem-  tion model that uses knowledge of the
                                                 istry faculty.                    metal distribution among the different
                                                   “It is a gamble for the government   physical and chemical forms—the actu-
                                                 to invest in environmental research,”   al chemical speciation—instead of the
               With 42 years of continuous research funding from   says Chakrabarti, “but it is weighed   presumed chemical speciation based on
               NSERC, Chuni Lal Chakrabarti was awarded an
               additional five-year grant in March 2007.  against the potential benefit to soci-  the local equilibrium assumption. His
                                                 ety. I am willing to take the risk.”  kinetics-based approach offers a more     serving up food science
                 “Retirement is a dirty word,” says   Chakrabarti’s research could im-  precise tool for regulatory agencies.
               the distinguished research professor,   prove the health of aquatic organisms   “The creativity of research motivates
               who displays the motto aut invenium   and humans by better predicting   me,” says Chakrabarti. “It is natural to   and nutrition
               viam aut facium (I shall either find   toxicity. Because of their versatility in   seek fulfillment. You don’t ask a night-
               a way or make one) in his laboratory.   a variety of chemical reactions, many   ingale to sing—it does it to cheer up in
               “It means you relinquish your respon-  trace metals are essential micronu-  its solitude. I don’t have to be asked to
               sibilities. I merely stopped drawing a   trients in biological systems. How-  do this, I find fulfillment here.”
                                                                                                                                    top and consider what’s on your   departments and the Institute of   first food and nutritional science
               Parting ways for particle physicist                                                                               S plate tonight. Is the food nutri-  Biochemistry, the program also adds   program in Canada that provides this
                                                                                                                                                                   statistical modelling courses from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     depth in the science and in the econom-
                                                                                                                                 tious? Was it genetically modified to
                                                                                                                                 withstand pests? How was it pre-  Faculty of Public Affairs to create a   ic, risk assessment and policy areas.”
                   t the Ottawa-Carleton Institute   group since 1977, he                  and set the stage for the             served and protected from decay and   unique program of study with a solid   After a general science first year,
               Afor Physics Christmas Sympo-     was a leader in the                       next generation of Large              micro-organisms? Has it absorbed   science base and an emphasis on as-  enrolled students—expected to num-
               sium in 2006, Richard Hemingway   development and                           Hadron Collider experi-               toxins? Suddenly, there’s a whole lot   sessment, management and communi-  ber 30 each year—will take courses
               presented an overview of his 50 years   strengthening of par-               ments at much higher en-              more to dinner.                   cation of risk in food safety.    such as principles of nutrition, food
               in physics. Among photographs, a   ticle physics research                   ergy. The SNO experiment                Students in a new honours Bachelor   “The food industry needs people who   chemistry, analysis, packaging, en-
               telegraph of his first job offer in the   at the university and             showed that neutrinos                 of Science program will tackle those   are knowledgeable scientists and who   gineering and microbiology, quality
               field, and remembrances of people   throughout Canada.                      produced in the sun’s core            questions and more when the program   are able to assess risk and formulate   control, and regulation of the food
               and projects past, Hemingway in-    During his time at                      oscillate to a different fla-         in food science and nutrition begins in   policy,” says Bob Burk, BSCHons/80,   industry. After graduation, they’ll be
               cluded a retirement prayer: “God,   Carleton University,                    vour of neutrinos by the              September 2008. Drawing on Carleton   MSc/82, PhD/91, chair of the Depart-  poised to fill the demand for food sci-
               grant me the senility to forget the   Hemingway partici-                    time they reach terrestrial           University’s chemistry and biology   ment of Chemistry. “This will be the   entists in Canada’s food industry.
               people I never liked anyway, the good   pated in three ma-                  detectors. This solved an
               fortune to run into the ones I do, and   jor particle physics               important and perplex-
               the eyesight to tell the difference.”  projects: studying the               ing 30-year-old scientific           A nobel pursuit
                 Given the unusually large number   properties of a class of               problem concerning neu-
               of former colleagues in Europe and   mesons containing a strange quark at   trinos and how energy is generated
               North America with whom he main-  the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre;   in the sun. Hemingway continues to       n December 10, Peter Grünberg   Grünberg had not yet discovered   It wasn’t until 1988 that Grünberg
               tains warm and strong friendships,   leading collaboration work on software   work at SNOLAB, to answer critical   O will be presented with the 2007   the effect that allows hard disks to   discovered GMR.
               Hemingway is not likely to need the   development, data analysis and phys-  and fundamental questions behind      Nobel Prize in Physics. He will share   be miniaturized when he came to   The Royal Swedish Academy of
               prayer answered.                  ics analysis at the 21-year OPAL project   the origin of the universe and the   the honour with Albert Fert, as both   Carleton in 1969. As a postdoctoral   Sciences said in its citation that
                 When he retired from his positions   at the CERN electron-positron collider   nature of matter.                 men independently discovered giant   fellow of the National Research   Grünberg’s contribution “can also
               as honourary research professor in   LEP; and leading the Carleton University   Along with other members of       magnetoresistance (GMR)—that the   Council of Canada, Grünberg worked   be considered one of the first real
               physics at Carleton University and se-  group investigating solar neutrinos at the   the SNO collaboration, Hemingway   electrical resistance of thin magnetic   for now-retired physical chemistry   applications of the promising field of
               nior research scientist of the Canadian   Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO).   received the award of the inaugural   layers can be greatly changed through   professor J. Arnold Koningstein until   nanotechnology.”
               Institute of Particle Physics on July 1,   The OPAL measurements tested   Polanyi Prize in 2006 and the Benja-    external magnetic fields.         1972. The pair was using a laser to
               Hemingway left a career that spanned   and confirmed current theories of   min Franklin Medal of Philadelphia’s     While ubiquitous laptop computers   excite an ion in crystals, and studying
               countries as well as decades. A mem-  the electroweak and strong interac-  Franklin Institute in 2007.            and MP3 players today use GMR     the small steps by which the ion
               ber of the Carleton particle physics   tions to extraordinary precision,   With files from Carleton Now.          to read magnetic bits and bytes,   switches to a higher level of energy.

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