Page 8 - Eureka! Fall 2007
P. 8

Faculty news                                Listen carefully                                                                                                                                                                            Faculty news

                                                   n the summer of 2008, researchers at
                                                                                   als simultaneously will enable us to
                                                 ICarleton University will begin eaves-
                                                 dropping on up to 100 singing insects,
                                                                                   nents of fitness enhancing behav-
                                                 recording and analyzing their mating   fully quantify the heritable compo-
                                                                                   iours and determine how variations
                                                 songs and signalling. This acoustic   in the environment influence insect
                                                 voyeurism will help Assistant Professor   reproductive systems.”
                                                 Susan Bertram answer a fundamental   The Behavioural Acoustic Re-
                                                 question in evolutionary biology: what   search Facility will be used to train
                                                 maintains the underlying variation in   undergraduate and graduate stu-                                                                             Brett Stevens uses algebra to solve the
                                                 traits that influence lifetime reproduc-  dents, thereby increasing the pool of                                                                     Rubik’s Cube. He’s also using math to
                                                 tive success and survival?        highly qualified research personnel                                                                               improve software testing.
                                                   With funding from the Canada    in Canada, and the research on insect
                                                 Foundation for Innovation, Bertram’s   reproduction will have applications
                                                 state-of-the-art Behavioural Acous-  for pest management and conserva-
                                                 tic Research Facility is being estab-  tion biology.
                                                 lished in the Nesbitt Biology Building.
                                                 an integrated approach, Bertram aims  !  Fast fact...                          Research programs get a boost
                                                 Equipped with the tools necessary for
                                                 to reveal the mechanisms underlying
                                                 variation in insect acoustic signalling   the ability to make calibrated acoustic
                                                                                    recordings of multiple field crickets
                                                 behaviour by examining bioacoustic,   simultaneously is crucial to the research
                                                 genetic, behavioural, physiological and   program. Microphones will record each    uilding a research team of     develop new mathematical                     Shelley Hepworth is
                                                 ecological factors.                signal and software will analyze the signals   Bgraduate students, post-doctoral   methods that will improve              discovering more about
                                                   “This level of data collection would   in real time. Data acquisition hardware   fellows and research associates, set-  the speed and efficiency           the genes responsible for
                                                 have been unheard of even two years   and software will coordinate play-back    ting up and equipping a laboratory,   of software testing, is                plant organs and how they
                                                 ago,” says Bertram. “Being able to   experiments, and speakers will broadcast   and conducting cutting-edge re-   based on a covering array                  contribute to diversity
                                                 collect data on so many individu-  sounds to which the insects will respond.    search doesn’t happen overnight—or   that samples the range                  in plants. The assistant
                     Susan Bertram is preparing to eavesdrop                                                                     without money.                    of inputs and contexts a                   professor’s work will
                     on crickets.
                                                                                                                                   Five promising researchers in the   program might encounter.               help people who cultivate
                                                                                                                                 Faculty of Science got an infusion   To bridge the mathemati-                flowering and ornamental
               Digging deeper                                                                                                    of funds from the province’s Early   cal theory to the software              plants breed new varieties
                                                                                                                                                                   tester, Stevens’ team is de-
                                                                                                                                 Research Awards program, designed
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and generate technology
                                                                                                                                                                   veloping interface modules
                                                                                                                                 to give promising, recently appointed
                                                                                                                                 Ontario researchers a running start.   that can plug into an open   Steven Cooke  transfer to Ontario’s agri-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              cultural biotech sector.
                   hysicists are burrowing deeper   ty, the SNOLAB collaboration involves                                          For Brett Stevens, an associate   source code project devel-                 Developing efficient sets
               Pinto critical and fundamental    a number of Canadian universities                                               professor in the School of Mathemat-  oped by colleagues at IBM Israel.  of rules for solving problems in a fi-
               questions behind the origin of the   and international partners. By finding                                       ics and Statistics, the award means   “The students are building the   nite number of steps called algorithms
               universe and the nature of matter—  new ways to view elusive dark matter                                          he can expand his research team and   modules and changing the covering   can solve problems involving mas-
               and deeper into the Earth.        particles, SNOLAB researchers hope                                              improve the financial support he pro-  array in response to feedback from   sive amounts of data. The algorithms
                 The Ontario Research Fund and   to learn new information about what                                             vides to his current students.    the software people. The project   of Pat Morin, associate professor in
               the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund   the universe is made of and what                                               “I can support my master’s stu-  becomes even more mathematically   the School of Computer Science, will
               allocated $8.73 million to expand   holds it together.                                                            dents at the level they deserve,” he   interesting as it becomes more practi-  make it feasible to perform previously
               SNOLAB, the permanent underground                                                                                 says. “I’ve also been able                  cal,” Stevens says.     impossible analyses.
               research facility being constructed                                                                               to hire a post-doctoral                       The awards are also     Steven Cooke, assistant professor in
               two kilometres underground in CVRD   !  Fast fact...                                                              fellow to bring more ex-                    supporting the work of   the departments of Biology and Environ-
               Inco’s Creighton Mine in Sudbury, ON.                                                                             pertise to the team, and                    David Asner, an assis-  mental Studies, is focusing on under-
               The world’s foremost underground   the sudbury Neutrino Observatory team                                          I hope to recruit a PhD                     tant professor in the   standing the fate of fish released by an-
               lab for particle physics and astro-  discovery in 2001 that solar neutrinos                                       student.”                                   Department of Phys-     glers in order to develop strategies that
               physics research will be expanded to   change into other neutrino types on their                                    For software and hard-                    ics, who is conducting   reduce their injury, stress and death. His
               include a cryopit: a large cavern to   way to Earth was ranked the second most                                    ware developers, bringing                   a feasibility study and   ultimate goal is to ensure the sustain-
                                                  important scientific breakthrough in the
               store the low-temperature liquids and   world by the international journal Science.                               new products to the mar-                    conceptual design for   ability of recreational fisheries.
               gases needed to conduct large-scale   sNOlAB researchers continue to search                                       ketplace error-free is criti-               a new high luminosity
               cryogenic experiments for the next   for previously undetected components of   George Iwama, dean of Faculty of Science;   cal to success; companies          particle collider that   Read more about the research of
               generation of research into dark mat-  the dark matter thought to make up about   Northern Development and Mines Minister Rick   spend a great deal of time   will enable significant   shelley hepworth (fall 2006), Pat Morin
               ter particles.                     one-quarter of the universe, as well as new   Bartolucci; and SNOLAB Director David Sinclair at   and money on testing. Ste-  advances in the area of   (spring 2007) and steven cooke (spring
                 Administered by Carleton Universi-  properties of neutrinos.      the August cryopit announcement in Sudbury, ON.  vens’ research project, to   Shelley Hepworth  particle physics.  2006) online at

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