Page 10 - Eureka 2011
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Finding your
Student news Mgoal for many first-year science
edical school is the ultimate
students, but sometimes other
opportunities come along that can make
a student consider another path.
For Neuroscience student Bryan Luu,
future plans always included applying
and hopefully going to medical school.
Even when he was in elementary school
back in Ajax, Ontario, he knew he
wanted to work in a profession where
he could help others. Fast forward
to the summer of 2010 and Luu, now
a fourth-year student at Carleton,
is working on his medical school
applications which are due at the
beginning of October.
“First thing I did was meet with three
students who had successfully gotten Photo: James Park
into medical school, and got their
advice. Then I researched everything
about the MCAT (the Medical College Alongside his studies and research work, Bryan Luu makes time to volunteer at the Science Student Success
Admission Test) and took the online Centre where he mentors other students and hosts MCAT-related study groups.
practice test. I also worked hard on
my letter outlining why I wanted to be program. I started to think about in pursuing a career in health care.
a doctor, which is a requirement for pursuing a career in medical research, Here Luu met a plastic surgeon in
many of the applications.” He also made particularly stem cell research.” In the his 70s who was dividing his time
sure that his list of extra-curricular summer of 2008, after finishing his between teaching at the University of
activities and awards was up to date. first year, Luu was hired by the Dean of Ottawa medical school and travelling
Luu wrote the day-long MCAT exam Science at the time, George Iwama, to to Nicaragua to volunteer his services
at the end of that summer. For many do molecular biology work. For the next as a doctor.
medical school applications, the results two summers, he was awarded NSERC This got Luu thinking about
on the MCAT can carry as much weight summer research awards to work expanding his horizons beyond
as the candidate’s university marks in the research lab of Professor Ken Canada’s borders. He turned to the
and can be used as a cut-off. Since the Storey, who holds a Canada Research Internet, looking for international
test can be so important, a variety of Chair in Molecular Physiology. research opportunities in his field of
organizations offer test preparation Luu is grateful for the learning interest. “I was particularly looking for
courses and many students begin opportunities he’s had to date and a lab where they were using the same
studying for the test months in advance. has said that “the chances of getting a techniques that I had been exposed to
After applying to several medical better research experience elsewhere in my research work here at Carleton.”
schools, both in Ontario and elsewhere, in the country as an undergraduate says Luu. “This way I can contribute
and also applying to Carleton’s Master student are slim. Dr. Storey allowed me something to the group and build my
of Science program in Biology, Luu to work at my own pace, try new things own skills further.”
pushed the applications to the back and mold my own project. Graduate He applied for three summer
of his mind as he concentrated on his students or Dr. Storey were always placements. One of them was to the
fourth-year studies. there to guide me and answer my Vienna Biocenter Summer School which
Besides course work, his studies questions.” offers undergraduate students from
included conducting research in the This past winter, Luu attended around the world the opportunity to
lab, something that Luu has become Carleton’s ‘Med Night,’ an event put on work with eminent scientists from the
passionate about since he arrived by Carleton’s Science Student Success life sciences field. The Vienna school
here in first-year. “When I started my Centre which brings together a variety received over 400 applications and
studies and got into a lab, I realized of health professionals from across the took 25 students for the summer. Luu
how much I enjoyed this part of the city to meet with students interested was one of those 25 – the first time a
10 fall 2011