Page 6 - Eureka 2011
P. 6

Neuroscience finds

                                                 new home
     Faculty news

                By Susan Hickman

                     e’ve come a long way since
                Wthe time when Aristotle’s
                contemporaries believed the heart was
                responsible for our thoughts and other
                functions of our brain. Nevertheless,
                it’s surprising how little we still know
                about the brain, the most complex
                organ in the human body.                                                                            Photo: Nanci Jolicoeur
                 While still a pioneering field of
                study, neuroscience, the study of the
                brain, has blossomed to the extent
                that the number of graduates in the   For her Master’s in Neuroscience degree, student Nazneen Rustom is focusing her research on the areas
                discipline has increased from a mere   of neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s disease and early life exposure to environmental toxins. Here she uses a
                                                 state-of-the-art Zeiss microscope to examine animal brain tissue.
                handful 25 years ago to more than two
                thousand today, according to a study of   biology and psychology, generally work   And there’s a better understanding of
                universities in the United States.  in life sciences “wet” laboratories with   what goes into a neuroscience research
                 Catering to this growth, Carleton   animals as well as humans, whereas   paper.”
                established a new Department of   psychology labs tend to be computer   The department’s new master’s
                Neuroscience, within the Faculty of   centric. Located in the Life Sciences   and doctoral programs admitted
                Science, on May 1, 2010. This decision    research building, the department was   their first students this September
                and the introduction of new programs   also geographically separated from   and new general, major, minor and
                has doubled the number of graduate   other FASS departments.       honours undergraduate programs
                students in its master’s and doctoral   Stead, whose background is   in Neuroscience and Mental Health
                programs.                        in genetics research, notes that   will start up in September 2012. Over
                 “The move was timely,” says     neuroscience is a growing academic   the next three or four years, 15 new
                department Chair John Stead, “as the   discipline, with provincial and federal   courses will fill out the new programs
                number of undergraduate enrolments   governments committed to pumping   – courses such as Sex and the Brain,
                in Neuroscience at Carleton has more   research money into the field.  Neuroscience and Creativity, and
                than tripled in the past 10 years. The   Since its formation as a distinct   Genetics and Mental Health.
                third-year Neuroscience course, Drugs   academic unit and its official move to   The new programs will better
                and Behaviour, for example, has pulled   the Faculty of Science, Stead foresees   reflect the research going on in the
                in four times as many students since   the Department of Neuroscience will   department, all of which reflects
                2007.”                           attract a whole new crop of students   one aspect or another of mental
                 Formerly located within the     – those scientifically oriented – and a   health, addiction, spinal cord injury,
                Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences’   higher quality of student from a larger   Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.
                (FASS) Department of Psychology,   pool.                             Canada Research Chairs Hymie
                Neuroscience’s faculty members “were   “It’s a better fit. Our needs are   Anisman and Shawn Hayley
                always a little bit of a strange fit,” says   standard within this Faculty. For   respectively work in neuroscience and
                Stead, “in terms of how we conduct our   example, it’s understood that   behavioural neuroscience. Anisman is a
                research.”                       supervision of students is particularly   prolific researcher of stress in humans
                 Neuroscientists, whose studies   time-intensive in a wet lab, where there   and mice, and focuses on coping styles
                have emerged out of the disciplines of   are animals or dangerous chemicals.   and depression. Hayley is studying

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