Page 3 - EUREKA -Fall 2014
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Innovative Research his research started by looking at
the effects of concussions in young
Focuses on Preventing children, which can include trouble
performing in school, difficulty
focusing, and other behavioural
the Negative Impact of effects.
Then holahan started collaborating
Concussions with neuropsychologists at ChEO in Research news
order to learn more about memory
deficits in children who have sustained
concussions, going on to model these
memory deficits in rats.
By Kristy Strauss holahan also worked with
neurosurgeons at ChEO to research
atthew holahan’s son was just For the past three years, holahan preventative measures and the best
Msix years old when he started has turned his academic attention ways to keep children safe. While
playing hockey, a sport which led to researching concussions, focusing collaborating with ChEO, holahan
the father and Carleton University on their long-term effects as well organized a mini conference on
neuroscience professor to start as prevention methods. holahan campus which hosted a panel of four
thinking about concussions. specifically looks at concussion effects experts on pediatric concussions.
“It was a big concern when my on younger demographics such as It was at this meeting that holahan
wife and I started sending our son children and young adults. stumbled across his next opportunity
to hockey,” said holahan, whose “I’m involved with the kids’ for collaboration – working with
wife is a neuropsychologist at the hockey team, and being a university Carleton’s athletics department.
children’s hospital of eastern Ontario professor, I work with university- “One of the people who attended
(ChEO). “I started getting interested aged students all the time,” holahan [the symposium] was Dr. Taryn Taylor,
in concussions based on discussions explains. “I’ve seen a lot of athletes the sports medicine physician, so she
with her, and I thought I should try who come to class who have had a and I started talking about concussions
and study it.” concussion over the weekend.” in athletes,” said holahan.
Matthew holohan, Neuroscience Photo by Luther Caverly