Page 5 - EUREKA -Fall 2014
P. 5

Navigating the New World

          of human Computer                                                 graphic design and psychology.

                                                                               While several students are
                                                                            completing degrees in computer
          Interactions                                                      science, Chiasson adds that she also
                                                                            has several students completing
                                                                            interdisciplinary master’s degrees in
                                                                            human computer interaction (hCI).
                                                                               “Some of our students come
                                                                            from traditional computer science         Research news
                                                                            backgrounds and engineering. But
                                                                            also having students with psychology
                                                                            and graphic design backgrounds
                                                                            makes for a really nice mix, and
                                                                            different perspectives,” said the
                                                                               For example, one of Chiasson’s
                                                                            students with a psychology
                                                                            background was interested in studying
                                                                            older adults, deciding to look into
                                                                            their views on online threats. This
                                                                            research was then used in Chiasson’s
                                                                            lab to learn how to design better
                                                                            interfaces for all ages, and to increase
                                                                            online security.
                                                                               “(Older adults) are getting so many
                                                                            conflicting messages, such as don’t
                                                                            click on any pop-ups,” said Chiasson.
                                                                            “As a result, they’re not doing any
                                                                            updates to their computer either,
                                                                            so when they don’t click a pop-up
                                                                            that says please update Java or your
                                                                            browser, they actually end up more
                                                                               Other hCI students have
                                                                            developed a series of online
                                                                            interactive comics aiming to raise
                                                                            awareness about computer security
                                                                         Photo by Luther Caverly
                                                                            while teaching users how to stay
        By Kristy Strauss                                                   vigilant against potential threats.
                                                                            These comics, entitled “Secure
           hey’re teaching users how hackers   combining the more human side    Comics” are intended to improve
        Tattack and developing computer   of things with computer science,”    people’s understanding of computer
        password systems that are easier to   said Chiasson.                security through visualizations. To
        remember - Carleton computer science      Chiasson then brought her   view:
        professor Sonia Chiasson and her team   research to Carleton, where she      “The idea was to use infographics,
        of research students are making users   completed her PhD thesis before   visual design, and humour to teach
        more secure online.               going on to become a professor. She   people about different security
           “With more and more of our world   currently leads a team of researchers   threats, with the idea that if they
        being online, cyber security is incredibly  in combining human-computer   had a better understanding of why
        important,” said Chiasson, who is also   interaction with computer security, an   we’re asking them to be more secure,
        Canada’s research chair on human   area of research that Carleton is the   they’re more likely to comply,” said
        oriented computer security.       international leader in.          Chiasson.
           Chiasson began looking at the      “Internationally, there are fewer      Computer science students in the
        way people approach the design of   than 10 labs who are really focusing   lab are also looking at alternatives
        usable computer systems while she was  on this type of research, and we have   to CAPTChAs , the little boxes users
        completing a master’s degree at the   so much,” she says.           see on-screen that determine if a user
        University of Saskatchewan, working on      Chiasson adds that the research   is human by asking them to input a
        a project involving designing interfaces   happening in her lab is a collaboration   series of numbers and letters.
        for children.                     across many disciplines, and includes      “CAPTChAs are getting more and
           “It was a really cool way of   students from subjects such as    more difficult,” she says. “They are

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