Page 9 - EUREKA -Fall 2014
P. 9

Forbes. “Students come in and talk.   outcome is that the antibiotic-treated   potential of being hugely exciting.”
         The Peanut Allergy Project interested   mice become highly vulnerable and      “It would be one of the first
         (Boutin) and she talked to me about   actually develop an allergic response,   documented association between
         the possibility of doing it.”     says hayley. Then the specific factors   antibiotic use and food allergies in
            Forbes, who is also associate vice-  in the body that triggered the   an experimental setting, and if we
         president of research at Carleton, was   reactions can be determined.   don’t find anything, it won’t be time
         looking for a project Boutin could      But there is the possibility that a   wasted. A student will have been
         work on, on campus grounds. her lab   secondary effect of using antibiotics   trained to take multiple approaches to   Cover Story
         experience and previous knowledge   could confuse the intestinal system,   a research problem.”
         of how to work with rodent models   Forbes points out. “Antibiotics      This is such a timely problem, adds
         made her a perfect fit.           should cause changes in gut flora.   hayley. “Given the large number
            “I’m interested in Darwinian   We suspect this will happen. One   of kids and even adults who are
         medicine (to understand why people   of our collaborators, (assistant   developing allergies, it is important
         get sick rather than how they get   biology professor) Alex Wong, has   to tackle the mechanism and add this
         sick), how evolution and medicine   the expertise to study the ways that   data to the research community.”
         are related,” Boutin explains. Boutin,   antibiotics cause these changes in the      No matter what the outcome of
         who is currently concentrating her   gut and we can study those changes   the experiment is, the data could
         degree in health science, plans to go   relative to physiological outcomes to   possibly inform other areas of
         on to study medicine and eventually   determine if there is a link.” If a link is   immunology as well, says hayley.
         become a clinician scientist where   found in the mouse models, Forbes   For example, it could be co-morbid
         she can make a difference behind the   and hayley want to define the types   with other diseases such as Crohn’s
         scenes.                           of antibiotics that are causing the   disease, or others that have an
            “I became interested in this link   linkage.                     inflammatory component.
         between antibiotics and allergies      “We would expand the scope of      With the possibility of such an
         and the idea that we are being    the project,” says Forbes. “We would   important contribution to the research
         over-sheltered immunologically,”   have to try different allergies, tree   community, we will be keeping an eye
         Boutin says. This interest sprung out   nuts for example. We would need   out for Forbes’ and hayley’s results.
         of literature the biology student had   more critical research.”
         read, which found early hypothesis      On this subject, the pair have
         that the increase in hygiene standards   approached Ryan Davies, the
         in Western society correlated to   advancement communications
         higher incidences of asthma, food   director at Carleton, to raise money
         allergies, and eczema, and more.  through the school’s FutureFunder
            “It’s early in life that you develop   platform, which funds various
         your immune responses,” notes     initiatives for students and faculty
         Boutin. “That’s when you learn to   around campus.
         recognize harmful versus harmless and      “We hope to take it to the next
         recognize self from non-self.”    stages if we find something,” Forbes
            hayley notes, “(Boutin) has    says. “After four months, we will
         researched the history of allergy   know if there is a link. It could take
         research with a fine-toothed comb.   another four months to translate the
         The problem is still out there ready   results and some time to determine
         to be challenged. We want to know   the mechanism, but it has the
         what’s driving the increase in allergies,
         specifically peanut allergies. Is it the
         toxins in the environment? Or is it a
         situation like an increase in antibiotics   Did You Know?
         that is changing the micro flora in the
            Boutin began her experiment this   you can lend your support to the Peanut
         summer, and will conduct her study
         over a four-month period. She plans   Project and other Carleton science research
         to give antibiotics to baby mice, and
         then study their behavior to determine   projects through FutureFunder?
         if they are more susceptible to
         developing an allergy.
            Forbes and hayley’s “peanut      Visit
         project” differs from other studies in
         that will set the stage for exploring a
         particular mechanistic cause. The best

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