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                                                                 entitled “Denial of medical care to those in
          Ms. Sarmiento’s work has resulted in the

          following published opinions:                          custody: Post-arrest and pre-trial claims against
          •    Macias v. City of Los Angeles, 144 Cal.App        individual government officials under 42 U.S.C.
              4 313 (Macias I)                                   § 1983.”
          •   Blankenhorn v. City of Orange, 485 F.3d 463        Ms. Sarmiento has lent her talent and expertise

          •   Cotton ex. Rel. McClure v. City of Eureka,         to MABA by serving on MABA’s Civil Rights

              860 F.Supp.2d 999 (2012)                           Committee.     In 2020, Ms. Sarmiento was a
          •   Hirschfield v. San Diego Unified Port District     panelist for MABA’s “Strategies for Advancing
              2009 WL3248101 (S.D. Cal.).                        & Reforming Civil Rights” MCLE event and

                                                                 assisted with MABA’s advocacy with the Los
          She has also obtained numerous multimillion            Angeles Chief of Police by assisting with the
          dollar verdicts and settlements for victims of         drafting of a letter to Police Chief Moore and

          police misconduct and in-custody injuries.             providing guidance to MABA’s President-Elect
                                                                 in preparing MABA’s presentation for the
          In February of 2021, Ms. Sarmiento published           Community      Forum      on    Police    Reform

          an article in The Advocate, the Journal of             Commission Advisory Committee on Building
          Consumer      Attorneys     Associations     for       Trust    and     Equity    Board     of    Police

          Southern California,                                   Commissioners.

                                      WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU

                                                                 Nominate a MABA member
                   Interested in writing a scholarly article       for our member spotlight
                    or participating in a panel discussion?
                      Have an idea that can benefit our             Know of an exceptional achievement
                                                                    of a MABA member?  A member with
                        We want to know!                              a landmark published opinion?  A
                                                                     member making a difference in our
                                                                    community?  Please let us know.  We
                       Please email MABA’s Executive                 want to celebrate and recognize the
                       Administrator, Claudia Perez, at              many achievements of our amazing

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