P. 17


                                                                                              Desperately Seeking
     DIDYOUKNOWABOUTTHEJUDICIAL                                                              Juezes: HowYOU can
     APPLICANTSUPPORTCOMMITTEE OFTHE                                                        Increase the Number of

     LOSANGELES LATINO JUDICIAL OFFICERS’                                                    Latinos on the Bench.
                                                                                              June 24, 2021 from
     ASSOCIATION(“LJOA”)?                                                                            5-7pm.


     MISSION                                                    HOWTOREACHTHEJ AS COMMITTEE:
     The Judicial Applicant Support Committee (JAS) of the      You can email the JAS  Committee at
     Los Angeles Latino Judicial Officers’ Association (LJOA)   JAS.LJOA@gmail. com
     is dedicated to promoting judicial diversity within the Los
     Angeles Superior Court (LASC) by educating, assisting and  Hon. Connie Quiñones, Co-Chair - J AS    Hon.

     mentoring interested Latino candidates through the judicial  Maria A. Davalos, Co-Chair – JAS   Hon. Peter

     appointment process.                                       Hernandez, Co-Chair - J AS
                                                                Hon. Sergio C. Tapia – J AS Outreach Liaison

     As of 2019, Latino residents of the State of California made
     up over 39% of the total population, but only eight percent of  UPCOMING EVENTS
     the judicial applicant pool. Over the past few years, the LASC  MABA and LJOA are co-sponsoring a very informative

     has held summits, seminars, and numerous community        event geared towards any Latinos that have every even

     outreach programs to demystify the judicial application   slightly considered becoming a judge. The event is called

     process and to encourage more minority lawyers to apply.  Desperately Seeking Juezes: How YOU can Increase the

     Despite these extensive efforts, the number of Latino     Number of Latinos on the Bench. The event will be held

     applicants continues to lag behind those of other groups,  virtually  on June 24, 2021 from  5-7pm. The Governor’s

     and is not representative of their population in the state.  Judicial Appointment Secretary, Mr. Luis Cespedes will be a
     The LJOA is dedicated to reversing this trend.            panelist as  well as  members of the JAS  Committee. You will
                                                               not want to miss it! Be on the look out for more information.
     JAS is headed by Co-Chairs Hon. Connie Quinones, Hon.
     Maria Andrea Davalos and    Hon. Peter A. Hernandez.
     The committee aids applicants in all aspects of the
     judicial application process, including encouraging Latino
     attorneys to apply to the bench, reviewing their judicial
     applications and preparing applicants for the interviews
     with the Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation
     (JNE), bar associations and the Governor’s office. JAS
     does not endorse or provide a letter of recommendation to
     a judicial applicant and maintains strict confidentiality of
     the information disclosed by the judicial applicant. JAS will
     attempt to assist all persons who request assistance.
                                                                           2021Volume 17 | Issue 1 | Page 17
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