Page 94 - RTH3BA Preview
P. 94

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             standing wave pattern on an open                 total power in parallel circuits 58
             circuit line 500                                 transformer construction 156, 157
             standing waves 498                               transformer isolation 160
             stripline 511                                    transient protection capacitors 193
             stripline filters 386                            transient voltage suppression on a telephone
             structure of the atom 12                         line 257
             sulphation 140                                   transistor configurations 264
             summary of capacitance 115                       transistors 258
             sunspot cycle 11-year 327                        transmission line - shorted - reactance 504
             superheterodyne receiver 352                     transmission line baluns 520
             suppressor grid 215                              transmission line equations 494
             sweep function generator 557                     transmission line infinite length 494
             swinging chokes 191                              transmission line terminated in a short -
                                                              circuit 503
             switch mode power supply 203
                                                              transmission line terminated in its Zo 497
             SWR from coefficient of reflection 501
                                                              transmitter 361
             SWR from coefficient of reflection 501
                                                              transmitter duty cycle 569
             SWR from forward and reflected power 501
                                                              transmitter intermodulation 401
                                                              transmitter intermodulation 384
             T                                                transmitter isolation 385
                                                              transverse electromagnetic (TEM) 515
             telephone 257                                    trapezoid patterns 341
             telephone interference 394                       trapped dipole 473
             television interference 387                      trapped dipoles and verticals 472
             temperature coefficient 307                      triac 277
             testing batteries 144                            triode 208
             tetrode - reduces internal capacitance 214       triode amplifier 213
             tetrodes 211                                     triode as an amplifier 210
             the effect of losses 180                         triode disadvantage 210
             the mechanism of radiation 230                   tuned circuits 371
             the quarter wave transformer 506                 tuning fork example 172
             the stub 505                                     turns ratio 160
             the voltage divider 50                           TV filter 386
             thermal runaway. 269                             two tone test signal on an oscilloscope 544
             thermionic emission 206                          two-frequency carrier oscillator 364
             three terminal regulator 195                     two-tone test signal 342
             thyristor 277                                    types of capacitors 97
             time base selection 539                          types of current and voltage 23
             time constant 101, 104, 120                      types of resistors 35
             toroidal inductor 119

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