Page 90 - RTH3BA Preview
P. 90
R���� T����� �������� - B������� �� A������� 3 �� E������.
impedance of free space 242
impedance ratio 161
Impedance versus frequency 179
Inductance - what is it? 116 key clicks 448
inductance in parallel 123
inductance in series 123 L
inductive input filtering 191
inductive reactance 123
inductive reactance in series & parallel 123 L current lags - C current leads 166
inductor symbols 119 lagging current 120
industrial heating 394 laminated iron core 156
infinite impulse response 446 law of charges 11
input coupling 538 layers of the atmosphere 327
Input Impedance 260 LC resonant circuits 173
insertion loss 374 lead-acid storage cell 140
interference to digital services 397 Lee de Forest 218
intermediate frequency amplifier 290 light emitting diodes 255
intermodulation 399 limiter 416
intrinsic semiconductor 245 linear portion 281
inventors - transistor 263 lithium cells 143
inverse & direct proportion 37,38 loaded antennas 464
inverse current feedback 269 local action 139
inverse square law 235 locking the VCO to a reference crystal 315
Inverted V 468 logarithms 221
ionisation 22 looping a conductor 66
ionosphere 325 losses and gains in a radio system 229
IRLP 586 losses in a real inductor 124
isolator 383 lowpass filter 371
isotropic antenna 460 lowpass filter placement 378
James Clerk Maxwell 243 magnetic field 65
JFET amplifier 273 magnetic field energy 74
Joseph Henry 125 magnetic field lines 71
j-pole 484 magnetic loop 486
JT65A 572 magnetising and demagnetising 71
junction field effect transistor 270 magnetism and electricity 64
magnetism of the earth 72
mains filter 378