Page 86 - RTH3BA Preview
P. 86

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             C                                                Clapp oscillator 305

                                                              Clapp oscillator using a P-channel JFET 305
             cable entry to shack 474                         class A operating curve 282
             calculating a shunt 129                          class A, B and C on one graph 286
             calculating the current gain 259                 class AB 285
             calculating the resistance of a wire 27          class B - operating curve 284
             calculating the velocity of light 237            class B amplifier characteristic curve 284
             cancellation of even harmonics 289               class C amplifier characteristic curve 285
             capacitance 214                                  classes of amplifier 280
             capacitive filtering 188                         coaxial transmission line 494
             capacitive hat loading 465                       coefficient of coupling 122
             capacitive input filtering 190                   coiling a conductor 118
             capacitive reactance 112                         co-linear antenna 478
             capacitor charge-discharge circuit 87            Colpitts oscillator using a BJT 304
             capacitor circuit symbols 86                     common decibel power ratios 227
             capacitor in a DC circuit 107                    common decibel voltage ratios 228
             capacitor in an AC circuit 108                   common logarithms 221
             capacitor types 86                               common-base 265
             capacitors in series and parallel 93             common-collector 264
             capture effect 413                               common-emitter 264
             carbon microphone 146                            comparing a triode and BJT 260
             carrier suppression 455                          comparison of series parallel circuits 63
             cartesian coordinates 604                        complementary push-pull power amplifier 291
             cathode ray oscilloscope 531                     complementary symmetry BJT amplifier 289
             cathode ray tube 528                             complete FM transceiver 420
             cathodes 207                                     complete SSB transceiver 367
             causes of ionisation 326                         component testers 567
             cavity duplexer 380                              computer interface 568
             cavity filters 379                               concept of leading current 103
             cells in series and parallel 144                 condensor (capacitor) microphone 149
             characteristic curve of a diode 252              conductance 35
             characteristic impedance 489                     connecting a stub to a TV receiver 510
             charge "Q" of a capacitor 95                     constant current source 196
             charging a capacitor 89                          constant k 374
             charging cells and batteries 144                 construction of a capacitor 85
             Charles Augustin de Coulomb 24                   construction of the electron tube 209
             chirping 297, 448                                continuous oscillation 172
             choke coils 121                                  control grid 208
             circulators 382                                  conventional direction of current flow 20


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