Page 11 - Millfield 20 Stories
P. 11
No. 4
“My first day as a “I love my dorm and the way I can have
boarder? Well, I my things around me in a cosy place
– like pictures, letters, books and my
certainly wasn’t bored.” favourite football team duvet set!
As part of the military, Ciaran’s family “I also love having a group of friends I can
were regularly on the move. After time spend time with, and my weekends which
spent in the Falklands and the Far East, are packed with interesting things to do
his parents decided Ciaran needed some and trips to go on.”
stability and continuity of education and,
with Ciaran’s help, chose boarding at It’s the school’s aim to create a family
Millfield Prep. atmosphere, where every pupil can thrive,
whatever their culture or background.
“Settling in was easy for me as my
houseparents really helped me,” says As our last ISI inspection report says,
Ciaran. With dedicated houseparents, “The quality of boarding is excellent.
every pupil is made to feel at home and Boarders thoroughly enjoy boarding and
supported, but also encouraged to be the boarding experience significantly
independent and confident. enhances their personal development
as they become self-reliant and tolerant
of each other.”