Page 6 - Millfield 20 Stories
P. 6

No. 2

         “It’s a really fulfilling      Our small class sizes enable teachers to
       way of learning as we’re         engage with pupils on an individual level
                                        and make sure they’re progressing at a
       encouraged to think deeply       pace that’s right for them. Learning
       and solve problems with          extends beyond the classroom, too,
                                        with a full range of enrichment activities
       the knowledge we acquire.”       designed to inspire curiosity.
       Every child is different. Which is why we     “Trips are great fun, and a fantastic
       adopt a dynamic, rounded approach to   way of stretching yourself. The Greek
       education that allows them to identify   trips allowed me to see different
       their interests, and build on their   interpretations of classic myths,
       strengths. For the most academically   which helped me gain a far keener
       gifted pupils, such as Eleanor in Year 11,   understanding of Greek mythology.
       this can mean moving beyond the
       comfort zone.                      “I’m also a member of Eureka! which is
                                        a discussion group for top academics.
         “The lessons are quite fast-paced, but    We study the strengths and weaknesses
       the teachers are always there to support   of different arguments and how they’re
       us. They challenge us to think in a   put together – it’s a really enjoyable way
       sophisticated way and discuss things    to develop my ability to think through
       as a group – this can create quite a   complex problems.”
       competitive atmosphere, but it really
       inspires me to succeed!”         This is just one of the many enrichment
                                        opportunities on offer at Millfield.
                                        Whether it’s computer programming,
                                        debating, or testing your knowledge in
                                        an array of competitions – you never
                                        know when that Eureka moment might
                                        strike you.
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