Page 5 - Purpose, Vision and Mission
P. 5

Our Strategic


                                    1   Millfield will develop              7   Millfield will develop leaders
                                        ‘The Millfield Way’, a
                                                                                and disruptors who have a
                                   philosophy that underpins all that      strong sense of other, being
                                   we do and informs our values            distinctively different to ‘traditional’
                                                                           independent schools
                                    2   Millfield will deliver an               Millfield will create tailored
                                        exceptional academic
                                   experience for all children              8   pathways for talented children
                                                                           ensuring they are always supported
                                    3   Millfield will prepare children    and challenged
                                        for the next stage of life
                                   through developing entrepreneurship,     9   Millfield will have a sustainable
                                   resilience, service, tolerance and           financial model which seeks
                                   achieving success through hard work     lower fees and lower costs

                                    4   Millfield will be a centre for     10   Millfield will have an ambitious
                                        learning for adults as well
                                                                                Campus Masterplan to provide
                                   as children                             the best school facilities and define
                                                                           modern boarding
                                    5   Millfield will promote physical
                                        and mental health, happiness
                                   and wellbeing for children and staff
                                   and lead the debate in this area

                                    6   Millfield will lead on the
                                        provision of public benefit
                                   through effective partnerships with
                                   maintained schools, provision of
                                   transformational bursaries and
                                   contribution to the national debate
                                   on education, wellbeing and physical
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