Page 7 - Purpose, Vision and Mission
P. 7

Be Curious                                 Our Values

                                            Be Brilliant
                                                                                  •  You have the enthusiasm to
                                            •  You are self-motivated to        Be Curious
                                              deliver and develop through        think and try new things
                                              work and play                     •  You have courage to test your
                                            •  You are devoted to your           ideas, to fail and to adapt
                                              personal well-being               •  You are dangerously modern
                                            •  You prioritise your own           ready to lead the way, to
                                              happiness and have fun             change the conversation
                                            •  You own your responsibilities    •  You live in the moment and
                                                                                 believe in possibility
                                            Be Disruptors
                                            •  You positively challenge         Be Authentic
                                              and question to                   •  You are sincere in the way
                                              encourage progress                 you interact with others
                                            •  You are global in your           •  You show integrity in the way
                                              outlook to seek new ways to        you behave in all aspects of life
                                              find solutions, embrace           •  You are true to yourself in the
                                              calculated risks                   way you reflect on actions
                                            •  You are unshackled by             and learn from them
                                              tradition to quickly shape a
                                              different future                  Be Kind
                                            •  You are an activist              •   You are respectful and
                                                                                 inclusive to all
                                                                                •  You are empathetic,
                                                                                 always trying to understand
 Be Authentic
                                                                                 emotions and feelings of
                                                                                 those around you
                                                                                •  You show humility at all times
                                                                                •  You are aware of the impact
                                                                                 you have on others
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