Page 7 - Foundation Brochure 2020.2
P. 7
“ I have endless gratitude for
this school, Millfield really
is a unique and life-changing
place. Without Millfield, I
would not be the person I
am today.”
Freya – Class of 2020
From apprehensively starting in Lower Sixth having never
boarded, to becoming Head of School, Freya has thrived
as an Art and Academic Scholar and discovered a passion
for squash. She is eternally grateful for the generosity of
bursary fund donors who made her place at Millfield
JOINED: Year 12 explore the possibility of
SCHOLARSHIP: Art and studying at Oxbridge and it’s
Academic been an incredible experience
TEAM: Squash, Hockey, I’ll never forget.
UNIVERSITY: University Outside of lessons I enjoy
College London getting involved in sports and
COURSE: Human Sciences extra-curricular activities.
(2021) Along with hockey and running,
I took up squash which I had
never played before.
As an artist and academic,
initially I was worried that I Being a part of the Millfield
wouldn’t be ‘sporty enough’ for community is really rewarding
the school and that I would and inspirational. There have
struggle to find friends. Of been countless times where I’ve
course, I was mistaken on all been nervous to try something
fronts! There is no single new or volunteer to speak in
‘Millfield type’; everyone here is public, but Millfield has
accepted as a unique individual, encouraged and supported me
and their differences are through any worry and
embraced by everyone. A friend self-doubt. The school has
once said, ‘Millfield makes shown me that challenge is not
people, not students.’ something to be feared or
avoided, but instead something
As an Art Scholar, I have been to embrace and learn from. This
able to progress my own school, it’s community and
artistic abilities through values have taught me so much
enriching workshops, lectures about myself and has given me
and having the opportunity to more than I could have ever
enter competitions and I dreamed was possible in every
received an award for Art and definition of an education.
Academic achievement. I am
grateful for the scholarship and
the support of my teachers. As
an Academic Scholar, I was
encouraged by my mentor to
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