Page 3 - Moving Up to Millfield
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                                                                In recent years, we have introduced visits to the
                                                                boarding and day houses for groups of Millfield Prep
                                                                parents.  These informal tours give an insight into
                                                                how we support each child’s move to Millfield.

                                                                This year we are augmenting the visit with a
                                                                presentation at the start and providing individual
                                                                Year 9 tour guides who can show you any of the
                                                                campus areas you’d like to see.

                                                                I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us
                                                                for a Millfield Prep Year 9 Walkabout on Saturday 26
                                                                November 2022. Details of this event and how to
                                                                book are on Page 4.

                                                                Your child’s transition to Millfield is automatic,
                                                                subject to a satisfactory report from Millfield Prep.
                                                                If you do not want your child to progress to Millfield
                                                                then you will need to give one term’s notice in
               We aim to give all our Millfield Prep families an   writing to the the Head of Senior Admissions, Mrs
               insight into how we support each child’s move to   Andrea Critchley-Hope. Should you have any
               Millfield and ensure your child’s academic and   individual queries relating to transition or any other
               personal development is at the heart of all that we   matters do contact Andrea or a member of the
               do at the school. My experience of the Nine at   Admissions team on
               Millfield programme has been tremendously
               positive, and many students and their parents cite it
               as being fundamental to their happiness here.    There is detailed information regarding scholarships,
                                                                which is relevant for those in Year 8 who currently
                                                                hold a scholarship or award. There is also
                                                                information for those who wish to be considered for
                                                                a Year 9 Scholarship on Pages 6-7.

                                                                I hope to see you at one of our events.

                                                                Best wishes,

                                                                Gavin Horgan

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