Page 8 - Moving Up to Millfield
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Scholarships and Awards for pupils at Existing scholarship holders:
Millfield Prep progressing to Millfield in The scholarship review during Year 8 will vary according to
2023 the type of award that is held by the pupil and is outlined
Pupils holding a scholarship or award at Millfield Prep will Academic:
retain this on transfer to Millfield at Year 9, subject to a Pupils who have an Academic Scholarship, and whose
review held during Year 8 and confirmed in March 2023. application to take the Millfield 13+ Academic Scholarship
A pupil’s scholarship may possibly be re-named after is supported by Millfield Prep, will automatically be entered
review but the financial concession will usually be retained. for the exams at Millfield between 20 and 22 February
However, if a pupil is not fulfilling the criteria of their 2023.
scholarship, it may be withdrawn. Bursaries are reviewed
annually or if financial circumstances change. All awards All-rounder:
are made subject to the school’s ‘Scholarships and Pupils holding an All-rounder Scholarship will be required
Bursaries Policy’ and ‘Conditions of Award’ which are to submit a document of no more than three pages outlin-
available on our website or from the Finance. ing the recent achievements in their Academic studies plus
at least one of the following areas: Art, Drama, Music and
Pupils who are not currently holders of a scholarship may Sport. Examples of leadership and good citizenship within
apply for a 13+ scholarship in Year 8. Scholarships may be the school may also be included as supporting evidence.
honorary or carry a total fee reduction of up to 10%. Please This document should be submitted to the Millfield
note that if more than one scholarship is awarded, the fee Admissions department by 1 December 2022.
concession will total no more than 10% as maximum.
Art: Pupils holding an Art Scholarship will automatically
The closing date for Millfield Prep pupils to apply for a new be entered for the assessments and required to submit a
scholarship is 1 December 2022. Please note that we will portfolio of their artwork to Millfield by 6 January 2023.
not accept applications after this date. If you wish to apply Candidates will be invited to attend the Millfield 13+ Art
for a new scholarship, please complete the Online Scholarship assessment on 25 January 2023.
Scholarship Application Form through the QR code
opposite by 1 December 2022. The £175 Registration Fee Music: All pupils holding a Music Scholarship will
is not applicable to current Millfield Prep pupils. All automatically be entered for the Millfield 13+ Music
scholarship results will be confirmed in March 2023. Scholarship on either 23 or 24 January 2023.
Parents can apply to have the scholarship augmented by a
bursary, subject to a means test. Bursaries take the form of Sport: Pupils holding a Sports Scholarship will be
a fee reduction (of up to 100% in exceptional circumstanc- monitored throughout Year 8 by Prep and Millfield sport
es) to a level dependent on the parents’ financial resources. coaches. There will be a particular focus upon the practical
All awards are subject to the school’s ability to fund them physical and technical assessments held during the course
within the context of its overall budget and therefore levels of Year 8 lessons, games sessions and matches.
cannot be guaranteed. In particular, the schools’ ability Scholarships will be confirmed by the middle of March.
to fund high value awards is limited and such awards are
allocated to children with exceptional talent or potential Please follow the QR code for the online scholarship
where there is a genuine financial need. If you wish to apply application form:
for a bursary, please contact the Admissions department by
1 December 2022.