Page 2 - Year 10-13 Philanthropy Pack
P. 2


        Since 1935 Millfield has been a global   Belonging to a certain social group,
        community founded on the ethos      gender, class, minority ethnic group
        of philanthropy and discovering the   or having a disability, for example,
        brilliance in every child.          can also reduce the effectiveness of
                                            education to create social mobility
        Boss Meyer founded the school with   (UN, 2013).
        a clear vision to provide support to
        students with limited financial means.  At the heart of the Discover Brilliance
        He persuaded those that could, to   campaign is our ambition to be at
        help those less financially well off.   the forefront of transformational
        The school’s Foundation remains     bursaries and provide greater support
        guided by this principle enabling   to those from socially disadvantaged
        talented children irrespective of their   backgrounds and to safeguard the
        background or financial means to    long-term sustainability of the
        access a Millfield education.       Millfield Mix.

        The extraordinary diversity of Millfield  Andrew Cook Head of Alumni and
        pupils (The Millfield Mix) is one of the   Foundation
        school’s defining characteristics and   (Ivythorn 1987-92)
        a major influence on the educational

        The Social Mobility Commission                “Never respect another
        reported in 2021 that ‘Social mobility
        has remained stagnant since 2014              human being merely for
        and pupils who have spent 80% of
        their schooling in poverty were a             their riches, but rather
        shocking 22.7 months behind non-
        disadvantaged pupils on average’.             for their philanthropy;

        Educational inequalities mean poorer          we do not value the sun
        children’s education is more likely to
        be affected by less parental support          for its height, but for its
        and cognitive stimulation, they are
        likely to live in poorer neighborhoods        use.”
        with less well-resourced schools and
        to have conflicting pressures such as
        domestic tasks and paid work (UN,             -  Gamaliel Bailey
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