Page 3 - Year 10-13 Philanthropy Pack
P. 3

DEFINITIONS                                                                  MILLFIELD FOUNDATION

        Philanthropy                        Global Citizenship                  Social Mobility
        The word philanthropy comes from    Global citizenship is how we talk   Social mobility is the movement of
        Ancient Greek (philanthrōpía) ‘love   about the social, environmental and   individuals, families, households or
        of humanity’, from phil- “love, fond   economic actions of people and   other categories of people within or
        of” and anthrōpos “humankind,       communities who know that every     between social strata in a society. It
        mankind”. Philanthropy is a form of   person is a citizen of the world. It is   is a change in social status relative to
        selflessness that consists of “private   about how decisions in one part of   one’s current social location within a
        initiatives, for the public good,   the planet can affect people living in   given society.
        focusing on quality of life”. A person   a different part of it. And about how
        who practices philanthropy is a     we all share a common humanity      Social Entrepreneurship
        philanthropist. Philanthropists aim   and are of equal worth. It means
        to address the root causes of social   being open to engaging positively   Social entrepreneurship is the process
        issues, requiring a strategic, long-term  with other identities and cultures and   by which individuals, startups and
        approach. In addition to giving money  being able to recognise and challenge   entrepreneurs develop and fund
        or volunteering, some philanthropists   stereotypes. It is also about how we   solutions that directly address
                                                                                social issues. A social entrepreneur,
        participate in advocacy work.       use and share the earth’s resources   therefore, is a person who explores
                                            fairly and uphold the human rights of   business opportunities that have a
        Altruism                            all.                                positive impact on their community,
        Altruism is the principle and moral                                     in society or the world.
        practice of concern for the welfare   Charity
        and/or happiness of other human     Charity is the voluntary act of
        beings or animals, resulting in a   generosity, kindness and support
        quality of life both material and   typically in the form of money
        spiritual.                          or human labour (volunteering)
                                            especially toward the needy or

                                                                “If you want to do

                                                                something for your

                                                                children and show how

                                                                much you love them,

                                                                the single best thing-

                                                                by far-is to support

                                                                organizations that will

                                                                create a better world for

                                                                them and their children.”

                                                                - Michael Bloomberg
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