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I found out that he was not able to last more than 30 seconds to a minute in bed. And because of it, he said
            he started to avoid any situation that would lead to sex. Less snuggling up at night and less time hanging
            out in the bedroom.

            Todd said that the thought of coming too soon or not being able to get it up consumed his entire day. He
            thought about it all the time.

            And yet, even though he thought about sex... he avoided it like the plague. He said he felt awful because
            he started to dri  away from his girlfriend.

            He said that he tried di erent pills, creams, performance condoms, and other stu .
                                  But Nothing Worked For Him!

            He said it was weird to pull out a bottle of lotion before getting hot and heavy with his woman.

            And even though some of the creams did make his privates a bit numb... they didn't help him last longer.
            They were also expensive, messy, and inconvenient... AND didn't help.

            A er finding out some of the things that Todd was using, and getting to the bottom of his symptoms... I
            told him that I could help fix his Premature Ejaculation permanently... as well as fix the times that he
            wasn't able to get hard and stay hard.

            Many times, the same physical and mental triggers that cause premature ejaculation can also lead to
            erectile dysfunction... so I told him that once we removed these physical and mental roadblocks...

               The Improvements Will Be Instant And Permanent!

            Like I told Todd there are only a few reasons why guys su er and deal with premature ejaculation or

            erectile dysfunction.

            The truth is, you're programmed to procreate!  It's true, men are here to procreate and reproduce... and

            o en times, our genes want us to carry out that mission as quickly and as e iciently as possible.

            So, from a “survival of the human race” aspect... men are programmed to get the job done and get it
            done fast.  But... that makes it tough when you want to last long enough to enjoy yourself AND make sure
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