P. 7


                                                                                          PROFITS AND LOSSES

                                                   Humans are social creatures who need other people in their life. One
                                                   tangible form that humans need other people is during buying and

                                                   selling  activities.  In  buying  and  selling  activities,  there  are  two

                                                   figures, namely the buyer and the seller. A seller of course wants to
                                                   get as much profit as possible. While a buyer wants to buy his needs

                                                   at the lowest price. In buying and selling activities, we know the
                                                   advantages and disadvantages. In this matter of profit and losses, we

                                                   will look at it from the seller's point of view. So the profit in question
                                                   is  the  profit  obtained  by  the  seller  and  the  loss  is  also  the  loss

                                                   obtained by the seller. To find out when the seller gains or loses, let's

                                                   join in the following learning activities together.

                       LET’S OBSERVE

               In order to make you understand about the profits and losses, please pay attention to the following

                 Mr. Yanto Chicken Noodle Seller

                 Mr. Yanto is a chicken noodle seller in Batam City. He goes to the market every day to buy

                 ingredients  for  making  chicken  noodles.  Mr.  Yanto  spent  IDR  800,000.00  to  buy  basic

                 ingredients to sell his chicken noodles. With these raw materials, Mr. Yanto is able to make
                 about 120 bowls of chicken noodles and the chicken noodles are sold at a price of IDR 10,000

                 per serving. On this day, Mr. Yanto's chicken noodles sold 105 bowls.

                                                                        Social Arithmetic E-module – For Grade VII
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