P. 8
Mr. Udin the Meatball Seller
Mr. Udin is a meatball seller in Tanjungpinang City. Mr. Udin needs IDR 1,000,000.00 to
buy raw materials to process his meatballs. Mr. Udin is able to make 120 servings of
meatballs using these raw materials and the selling price of Mr. Udin's meatballs is IDR
12,000.00 per serving. However, it was raining heavily today so Mr. Udin's meatballs only
sold 75 portions.
Mr. Zul Chicken Porridge Seller
Mr. Zul is a seller of chicken porridge in Bintan Regency. Every day Pak Zul spends IDR
700,000.00 to buy basic ingredients for making porridge. With these basic ingredients, Mr.
Zul was able to make 100 servings of chicken porridge at a price of IDR 10,000.00 per
serving. On this day, Mr. Zul was late in selling because he woke up late so the number of
chicken porridge sold today was 70 portions.
Let's look at these illustrations.
In Mr. Yanto's story, the Chicken Noodle Seller, the capital spent was Rp. 800,000.00 and
the income earned by Mr. Yanto was IDR 1,050,000 (this amount was obtained from IDR
10,000 × 105). If we subtract expenses from income, we get IDR 1,050,000.00 – IDR
800,000.00 = IDR 250,000.00
Thus, it is known that Mr. Yanto made a profit of IDR 250,000.00 when he sold chicken
noodles on that day.
In Mr. Udin's story, the Meatball Seller, the capital issued was IDR 1,000,000.00 and the
income earned by Mr. Udin was IDR 900,000.00 (this amount was obtained from IDR
12,000.00 × 75). If we subtract expenses from income, we get IDR 900,000 – IDR 1,000,000
= - IDR 100,000.00
Thus, it is known that Mr. Udin lost IDR 100,000 when selling meatballs on that day.
Social Arithmetic E-module – For Grade VII