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Investigative Facts – AFI-LLC – August 2024                                       1 of 8

        Each month we author a topical article in the areas of Expert Medicolegal Consultations
        & Legal Investigations of Personal Injury, Negligence & Death for litigation.

        We also share News of Our Profession, Conferences & Training, Case Studies and other
        typical newsletter content daily on our agency social media – &

        Special Message – and Thanks – from Dean and Karen
        For most of our colleagues and clients, this will come as a surprise; for others an update.

                               We decided to surprise our daughters and their families on their mini-vacation in central NE
                               for Fri 07/05 holiday weekend. Late AM Sat 07/06, while swimming with the grandkids, Dean
                               started feeling symptoms of a heart attack. Karen called 911 and the severity escalated. EMS
                               responded as Dean was feeling desperate. EMS stabilized him for local transport, and then a
                               helicopter flight for life. In the ambulance the lead paramedic told Dean, outside his Family, he
                               was in severe risk and stabilizing. At the local emergency hospital he was stabilized then flown
                               to a western NE hospital, for immediate stent procedures – with three severe coronary artery
                               blockages; the stents did not take. The decision was made to transport to a hospital which
                               could perform open heart surgery. All Colorado hospitals and surgeons rejected providing the
                               surgery. The nearest hospital for surgery was not equipped for the severity and recovery. A
                               private hospital in eastern NE accepted Dean; one of the top 10 in the country. Because of
        tornados, Dean was transported by ambulance over several hours. At arrival, near midnight, the surgeon spoke to Dean
        and let him know his heart “was angry” and may not survive immediate surgery; instead first thing Mon 07/08, a triple
        bypass. Dean was stabilized Sun 07/07 for surgery, as his Family arrived from eastern NE; first stopping in central NE for
        their belongings at the hotel. The entire Family stayed the remainder of the week, giving up their work and everything to
        be present, supporting, and caring – for Dean and Karen – the best recovery possible. Following surgery Dean remained
        in required 24-hr post-op recovery, then 24-hr ICU, usually 48. Dean was determined, telling the surgeon and staff, he
        would be ready for home in Colorado by Thu; of course, he was told it was not possible – the following Mon was the
        earliest. On Thu the surgeon and team were impressed with Dean’s recovery and progress – Dean “compromised” and
        the surgeon ordered further testing to determine discharge; and to continue his long recovery at home with his Wife
        and Family. Dean was discharged Fri 07/12 to home, which Karen drove several hours, stopping every hour.

        At home recovery has been rough, slow, challenging, and improving with some setbacks each day – for Dean and Karen.
        It is said it will be several weeks of recovery in stages, including cardiac rehabilitation therapy and exercises. Cases are
        accepted and worked as time and recovery allows – with the grateful understanding of clients. Karen continues her
        responsibilities as Executive Director of NCISS, and Administrative Manager of WAD; as well as Dean and their cases.

        Dean has been given another second chance. Another? Dean has put his Wife, Karen, through many challenges – from
        hit on his motorcycle the day after meeting almost 33 years ago, and caring for him before their first date – to several
        events. There are no words for the gratitude to our Family – two daughters and long-term partners, and each of their
        two children – four grandchildren. The support of Family, friends, colleagues, and clients has been welcome and
        overwhelming. Thank You All!
                Thanks to our friends and colleagues, Robert & Andrea Orozco (Advanced Professional Investigations)
                        for the support page and all who donated! There are no words for our appreciation!

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