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Investigating for Truth - AFI-LLC Newsletter January 2020

        Additional memberships include FALI (FL), TALI (TX) and CALI (CA) state associations, National Association of Medical
        Examiners (NAME), Mensa, and other associations.

                                                   PI Magazine features the top investigators and writers in the
                                                   profession in each issue. Six issues per year - bi-monthly - and available
                                                   in print and digital formats. Publishers are fellow professional
                                                   investigators, Nicole Cusanelli and Jim Nanos.

                                                   Nicole Cusanelli -
                                                   Jim Nanos -

                                          News from Around our Profession
                                          We are dedicated to sharing important news from clients, colleagues and friends about the
                                          news - good and bad - from and about our profession. Our thanks to all who help
                                          contribute. Feel free to email us with any news you have about you, your agency, your
                                          assocaition, and others...

                                          Vermont Governor Stops Driving Records to PIs in Reaction to Media Stories
                                          Restricting PIs access to public records is becoming a growing national trend state
                                          by state - only your state associations and NCISS are taking direct action, with both
        being backed by NALI. Are You Active and Represented?  PPIAC has let the members in Colorado know they are
        monitoring and prepared to take action and assist other states.

        Read the local VT story here -

        The NCISS President, also the PPIAC President, Andrea Orozco, issued a statement to NCISS and PPIAC members:
        "Many PIs have seen the recent article regarding the Governor of VT calling for DMV data to stop being sold to Private
        Investigators. This started from the Vice articles that were circulating earlier this year. NCISS is aware of this and is
        greatly concerned. The NCISS Legislative Committee and Lobbyit are discussing this for a course of action with the NCISS
        State Association Legislative Advisory Board (LAB). NALI National Director John Lajoie, CLI, has already reached out to
        NCISS for associations to band together regarding this very negative and discriminatory restriction to data for Private
        Investigators. As he pointed out the Governor of VT did not restrict DMV data to any other groups. We cannot say
        enough how important legislative advocacy is for our profession on the state and federal level. If you are not currently
        active in your state's association and legislative matters you need to become active. If you are active, stay active. If you
        know someone that is not active in these associations encourage them to become active. There is no one that can better
        watch out for our legislative interests than ourselves as a voice for our profession.”
          -- Andrea Orozco, NCISS President / PPIAC President

        Our comments:
        "There has been a growing media trend to show how states are making profits from selling driving record data to PIs,
        every state is taking notice - Vermont is one of the first to act by governor executive order. Others are following. This is
        not illegal, but the media portrays doing so - and the actions of a PI - as public harm and the need for consumer
        protection from PIs.

        Time and again, this is one reason the growing social media trend of PI groups on FB are hurting our profession - not by
        their existence, but by the misuse of a small number of member PIs. The media has learned much of this from the FB
        groups and the negligent posts. Then there is the FB PI Academy of How To and some of the blatant disregard for law,
        regulations and ethics - "if I don't get caught..." or "if it helps my client..." - these are unacceptable.

        Treat these groups like the public is watching - they are. They are social media groups, but not social hour at the local
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