Page 20 - magazine_Kinflok
P. 20
Something About
a Risk
If you risk nothing, then you risk ever��hing.
When we see that we have achieved
something that we had been longing
for, we say that we have been success-
ful in that endeavour. People have
different goals in life, and to achieve
them requires careful planning & hard-
work. Risk is important when it comes
to successfully achieving the big things
in life.The reason why some people
take risks and some do not is that the
end result of taking a risk can only be
one of two outcomes, “success” or
“failure”. Taking risks doesn't have to
be random, a lot of thought processes
should go into making decisions before
taking risks. It’s also true that we
can’t predict the exact consequences
of taking the risk, but we can calculate
some of the outcomes of the risk. The
risk should be taken a�er weighing the
pros and cons of the opportunity at
hand. Some may say that taking risks is
like gambling. But when pros and cons
are carefully weighed of the risk, at
least one knows what can go wrong
and that is what mo�vates them to
find ways to overcome the cons and
outweigh them. The most successful
businesses and individuals in this
world have taken the leap of faith at
some point or the other, and that is
why they have become “best” over
�me and not found success in a single