Page 24 - magazine_Kinflok
P. 24
On Wandering Feet: The
Photowalk Experience
Many people think photog�aphy is a one-man job, but it doesn't have to be. The ar� of taking pict�res
can be a shared ex�erience. The photowalk has long been around since the late 19th cent�r�, an
activit� done by early photog�aphy clubs such as The Camera Club of New York. The Lomog�aphy
Communit� was conceived upon the discover� of the LC-A out of a flea market in Prag�e. We think it's
time to revisit the pur�ose of the photowalk and what it means to our communit�.
How Photowalking under the best condi-
can change how you tions, I will still venture
out on the darkest days,
see the world. because somewhere I
will feel the light; in the ponies
meandering through the fields, in
the vast landscape of the English
C ombine daily walks with photo countryside, or in the smiles of
stories and let your feet and
people I pass.
creativity roam free. Photowalking is
a visionary way to get you moving,
clear your mind, and connect with ith camera in hand, I shoot
your surroundings, as Tracey Ellis W whatever grabs me; it can
explains. be a flock of birds taking flight
over a church, a spider web glis-
tening with dew drops, or a tiny
How mindful photog- village library in a bright red
raphy can improve phone box. These images are like
little gems for the soul; they
your mood. provide a photo story of each
walk I do, each walk that is dif-
ferent and inspiring, and most
importantly, restorative.
alking is my therapy, and
W though I prefer to do it