Page 382 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 382


                                                                                           LO 2. Safekeeping/disposal of tools materials and            Week 4
                                                                                           2.1.  Explain how to clean used tools and outfits
                                                                                                before storing
                                                                                           2.2.  Label unused materials and supplies according to
                                                                                                manufacturer’s recommendation before storing
                                                                                           2.3.  Observe how to dispose waste materials
                      The learners demonstrate an        The learners shall be able to     LO 1. Perform immediate life-saving First Aid pending
                      understanding of various           perform First Aid treatment on    medical assistance
                      principles and techniques in       board                             1.1 Correctly apply First Aid care in real or simulated
                      performing First Aid treatment                                           situation
                      on board                                                             1.2 Correctly use DRABC Action plan to identify any
                                                                                               sign of life
                                                                                           1.3 Appropriately place an unconscious casualty in
                                                                                               stable-side position
                                                                                           1.4 Appropriately apply the method of EAR, ECC, and
                                                                                               CPR in real or simulated situation
                                                                                           LO 2. Recognize the symptoms of acute illness and/or
                                                                                           injury and take appropriate action
              0                                                                            2.1 Correctly identify the conditions requiring special
                                                                                           first aid procedures
                                                                                           2.2 Take care of unconscious casualty in real or             Week 5
                                                                                           simulated situation in accordance with established
                                                                                           First Aid procedures
                                                                                           2.3 Identify the possible causes of respiratory failure
                                                                                           and breathing difficulty
                                                                                           2.4 Provide appropriate care to casualty with
                                                                                           respiratory failure or breathing difficulty
                                                                                           2.5 Identify the symptoms and signs of casualty having
                                                                                           angina pain/heart attack
                                                                                           2.6 Identify the symptoms or signs of poisoning, bites,
                                                                                           and stings in real or simulated situation
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