Page 717 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 717


             Q2       The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  install auxiliary systems                                          W1-8
                      an understanding of the     perform installation of
                      concepts and principles of  electrical protective devices
                      installing electrical       for distribution, power,
                      protective devices for      lighting, auxiliary, lightning
                      distribution, power,        protection and grounding
                      lighting, auxiliary,        systems
                      lightning protection and
                      grounding systems
             Q3       The learners demonstrate    The learners competently        -  validate parameters for the installation                            W1
                      an understanding of the     assess sites/locations for PV   -  prepare installation data sheet                                    W1-3
                      concepts and principles of  installation layout
                      assessing sites/locations
                      for PV installation layout

             Q3       The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  identify components/materials and specifications for               W3-4
                      an understanding of the     perform checking of PV             inspection/ testing
                      concepts of checking PV     components and materials        -  interpret manuals                                                   W5
                      components and materials  compliance
                      compliance                                                  -  identify and prepare test instruments                              W5-6
                                                                                  -  inspect/test components and materials                              W6-8
                                                                                  -  report test results                                                 W8
             Q4       The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  plan and prepare work                                               W1
                      an understanding of the     perform the installation of     -  install pv components                                              W1-5
                      concepts and underlying     photovoltaic system             -  notify completion of work                                           W5
                      theories on the                                             -  obtain and convey information                                       W6
                      installation of
                                                                                  -  complete relevant work                                              W6
                      photovoltaic system
             Q4       The learners demonstrate    The learners independently      -  prepare to commission pv system                                     W6
                      an understanding of the     perform testing and             -  commission pv system                                               W7-8
                      concepts and underlying     commissioning of                -  inspect and notify completion of work                               W8
                      theories on testing and     photovoltaic system
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