Page 720 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 720


                      products and systems        controlled lighting units and   -  reassemble and test repaired consumer electronic product           W7-8
                      based on client’s           charging system) service
                      requirements and as per     based on client’s
                      standard procedure          requirements and as per
                                                  standard procedure

             Q2       The learner demonstrates    The learners competently        -  prepare unit, tools, and workplace for installation and service     W1
                      an understanding of         provide servicing to home       -  install consumer electronic products and systems                   W1-2
                      concepts and underlying     security equipment and solar    -  diagnose faults and defects of consumer electronic products        W2-6
                      principles in servicing     powered management                 and systems
                      consumer electronic         system based on client’s        -  maintain/repair consumer electronic products                       W6-7
                      products and systems        requirements and as per
                                                                                  -  reassemble and test repaired consumer electronic product           W7-8
                      based on client’s           standard procedure
                      requirements and as per
                      standard procedure
             Q3       The learners demonstrate    The learners competently        -  prepare unit, tools, and workplace for installation and service     W1
                      an understanding of         provide servicing to            -  install consumer electronic products and systems                   W1-2
                      concepts and underlying     consumer electronic             -  diagnose faults and defects of consumer electronic products        W2-5
                      principles in servicing     products and systems (audio        and systems
                      consumer electronic         products and systems) based     -  maintain/repair consumer electronic products                       W6-7
                      products and systems        on customer description and
                                                                                  -  re-assemble and test repaired consumer electronic product          W7-8
                      based on customer           standard procedures
                      description and standard
             Q4       The learners demonstrate    The learners competently        -  prepare unit, tools, and workplace for installation and service     W1
                      an understanding of         provide servicing to            -  install consumer electronic products and systems                   W1-2
                      concepts and underlying     consumer electronic             -  diagnose faults and defects of consumer electronic products        W2-5
                      principles in servicing     products and systems (audio-       and systems
                      consumer electronic         video products and systems)     -  maintain/repair consumer electronic products                       W6-7
                      products and systems        based on customers              -  reassemble and test repaired consumer electronic product           W7-8
                      based on customers          description and standard

                      description and standard    procedures
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