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Hollywood Stars
When he returned to the USA,
Ricky was invited to perform du-
ring the #DemandFreeSpeech Ral-
ly in front of the White House
in Washington DC and the American
Priority Festival at the Trump Doral
in Miami with featured speakers
including Donald Trump, Jr., and Sa-
rah Sanders.
As 2020 draws to a close, Ricky
is back in the studio in Los Angeles
with GRAMMY-nominated produ-
cer and songwriter Gary Miller (Da-
vid Bowie, Katie Perry, Cher, Ky lie
Minogue). In addition, he is a fas hion
contributor to Us Weekly, sup por-
ted by MAC cosmetics and sig ned
to Revry TV the world’s first LGBTQ
streaming platform. His Revry Ori-
ginal Documentary ‘”Rebels Only”
was also nominated for Best Music
Documentary at the Out Web Fest
In 2021, Ricky is celebrating 10 years
of Rebel-utionary success with his
new compilation album release,
a decade of club mixes and power- Styling: Elena Nazaroff
ful vocals, The Royal Collection high- Bottom Corner Shirt Wayne Fowks
lights Rebel’s versatility as an artist, Lower left Necklace Astrophytum by Pavel
singer-songwriter, and producer. Make up: Reba Vera
Photo Edit by Kyle Willis
Plus, the album features collabora-
tions with platinum selling produ cer
Gary Miller (David Bowie, Katie Per- Colin Angus: @colinangusstudios @graphicsmetropolis
ry, Cher, Kylie Minogue) and Adam Elena Nazaroff: @elenanazaroff Lisa Whitmore:
Lambert’s ex-guitarist Tommy Joe Reba Vera: @rebavera @lisawhitmorephotos
Ratliff. Rebel’s music has provided Astrophytum by Pavel: Wayne Fowks: @bulldogpunk
the beat to dance clubs around @astrophytum_by_pavel Kyle Willis: @tkylewillis
the world. Graphics Metropolis: Robin Perine: @seeingredstudio
COVID-19 has not slowed Ricky Re-
bel down one bit. In addition to re-
leasing The Royal Collection, Rebel
also launched a digital fitness vi deo CD 16 page art booklet plus 3 bonus tracks link:
series called “Ricky Rebel Fitness”
and has continued to tour in states
that have allowed shows. @rickyrebelrocks
About Ricky Rebel:
58 365 ART + | Hollywood Stars